English News


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USM PENANG, 15 March 2025 – As the new semester will begin soon, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) is seeing the arrival of new international (Exchange and Full-Time) students.

These students would be required to undergo the Orientation Week Programme for them to familiarise themselves with the USM way of life (and doing things).

Organised by the USM International Mobility and Collaboration Centre (IMCC), the orientation week will be held at Kompleks Cahaya (KOMCA), IMCC and some external locations on Penang Island from 17-21 March 2025.

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The students will be handed the keys to their hostel rooms upon registration. Then they will attend the Welcoming Ceremony, with the Opening Remarks given by IMCC Director, Professor Dr. Lee Keat Teong.

Following that, the Malaysian Cultural Exposure programme, with the ‘Multicultural’ theme, will also be held for them.

Other programmes include a session on 'Studying at USM - Culture, Customs and Etiquette' by IMCC Deputy Director, Sr. Dr. Muneera Esa.

Other items that the international students need to be made aware of will be presented in talks on Health Matters, Student Organisations and Activities at USM, Campus Online and e-Learning system, as well as Briefing on Courses and Examination.

In addition, there will also be briefings on Co-curricular activities, Academic language requirements, and Visa and Insurance matters by the respective USM officials.

The students would get to experience the local cultures later on with the Harmony across Horizons: Raya Radiance at IMCC Cultural Show.

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Then, they will be taken on a trip to Prangin Mall in Georgetown to see what a Ramadhan bazaar looks like, and to be followed by a trip to Padang Kota Lama for the Ramadhan 'iftar'.

The USM Student Buddies would be assisting them throughout the duration of the programmes.

The students will then be reminded to go for a medical check-up by the end of the week.

As the semester will begin the upcoming week, the students would also need to attend various sessions with each of the academic schools at USM.

Here's to a wonderful semester for everyone!

Text: Mazlan Hanafi Basharudin/Photo: MPRC Main Campus

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