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USM PULAU PINANG, 13 Januari 2025 – Program Literary Backpack Fun Run 2025 berjaya menghimpunkan hampir 650 orang peserta dari pelbagai peringkat umur dari dalam dan luar negara bertujuan mengukuhkan keseimbangan ilmu, kesihatan dan budaya berkomuniti.

Acara ini menyaksikan penyertaan peserta antarabangsa dari Kenya, Vietnam, Jepun, China, Filipina, Korea Selatan, Bangladesh, dan Indonesia, selain peserta dari seluruh Malaysia termasuk Johor, Selangor, Perak, dan Negeri Sembilan yang turut hadir memeriahkan larian ini.

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Program anjuran Pusat Pengajian Bahasa, Literasi, dan Terjemahan, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) dengan kerjasama Teleperformance Malaysia ini bukan sahaja menekankan kepentingan penjagaan kesihatan, tetapi juga menjadi simbol tanggungjawab sosial dalam memastikan generasi muda, khususnya kanak-kanak yang memerlukan, mendapat akses kepada pendidikan yang sewajarnya.

Bercakap ketika merasmikan acara, Timbalan Naib Canselor Penyelidikan dan Inovasi, USM, Profesor Dr. Habibah A Wahab berkata, Literary Backpack Fun Run 2025 ini bukan sekadar acara sukan sahaja, tetapi menjadi simbolik kepada komitmen komuniti terhadap ilmu dan amalan menyumbang semula kepada generasi yang memerlukan.

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“Saya dimaklumkan bahawa peserta membawa buku dalam beg galas mereka sepanjang larian sebagai simbol beratnya tanggungjawab dalam menuntut ilmu dan pembelajaran.

Buku-buku tersebut juga akan didermakan untuk menyokong program literasi kanak-kanak yang memerlukan, jutaan tahniah saya ucapkan kepada penganjur atas program yang cukup bermanfaat ini,” kata beliau lagi.

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Jelas Habibah, acara seperti ini sebenarnya berfokuskan perjalanan, bukanlah persaingan dan beliau menyeru semua peserta untuk menjadikan setiap langkah ini amat bermakna demi kecergasan, perpaduan, dan masa depan yang lebih cerah dengan ilmu yang dituntut.

Beliau turut berkesempatan melepaskan peserta larian yang berlari sejauh 10 km, serta menyampaikan hadiah kepada pemenang larian dan pertandingan ‘Rekaan Beg Galas Paling Kreatif’, bertujuan menggalakkan inovasi dan kelestarian.

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Turut hadir di majlis ialah Dekan Pusat Pengajian Bahasa, Literasi dan Terjemahan USM, Profesor Dr. Hazri Jamil; Pengarah Operasi Teleperformance Malaysia, Michael Christopher Sanchez; Pengarah Projek Literary Backpack Fun Run 2025, Dr. Mozhgan Ghassemiazghandi; Ketua Projek Bersama, Dr. Alla Baksh Mohamed Ayub Khan, Dr. Noor Alyani Nor Azazi dan Wan Azni Wan Mohamad.

Teks: Mohd Azrul Mohd Azhar/Foto: Mohd Fairus Md. Isa & Muhamad Faris Darwisy Mohammad Rafiq


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USM PULAU PINANG, 27 Mei 2023 – Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) melalui Rancangan Khidmat Komuniti (RKK USM) di bawah pemantauan Pusat Rancangan Kokurikulum (PRK USM) telah menganjurkan acara larian Program Festival of Flames 4K Marathon: Run With Fire, Run With Hearts.

Program ini adalah kesinambungan dan pembaharuan kepada Program Neon Run yang telah diadakan pada tahun 2023.

Berlangsung di Padang Kawad USM pada 24 Mei 2024, program larian ini disertai seramai 862 peserta.

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Hadir merasmikan program adalah Timbalan Naib Canselor Hal Ehwal Pembangunan Pelajar dan Alumni USM, Profesor Dr. Shaharum Shamsuddin mewakili Naib Canselor USM, yang turut melepaskan para peserta larian.

Shaharum dalam ucapan perasmiannya berkata, Program Festival of Flames 4K Marathon ini bukan sahaja bertujuan melahirkan pelajar atau masyarakat yang cergas dan sihat malah melibatkan pengutipan sumbangan, yang mana sebahagian sumbangan ini akan didermakan kepada golongan yang memerlukan.

“Ini merupakan satu inisiatif yang sangat bermanfaat dan patut kita banggakan kerana program yang diadakan ini juga menyediakan landasan ke arah perpaduan, menjalinkan sifat kemanusiaan dan kesukanan yang tinggi dalam kalangan pelajar dan masyarakat di luar sana,” jelas beliau lagi.

Sementara itu, Pengarah Pusat Rancangan Kokurikulum USM, Profesor Madya Dr. Mohamad Haafiz Mohamad Kassim dalam ucapannya berkata, hampir 80% tenaga kerja bagi program ini datangnya daripada pelajar sendiri terutamanya dari Rancangan Khidmat Komuniti USM.

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“Teruskan usaha anda melaksanakan program-program seumpama ini yang bukan sahaja melibatkan pelajar USM tetapi juga masyarakat luar kampus supaya mereka lebih mengenali USM,” ujarnya.

Menurut Pengarah Projek, Nur Farahani Rasol, beliau berharap agar program seperti ini dapat diteruskan pada masa akan datang kerana melalui program ini dapat melahirkan pelajar yang sentiasa mengambil cakna akan kesihatan dirinya dan dapat menjadi medium penyatuan di antara masyarakat.

Hadir sama adalah Encik Mohammad Kasni Ismail, Pengarah Jabatan Keselamatan, Penasihat Program Festival of Flames 4K Marathon USM, Dr. Noor Alyani Nor Azazi dan pegawai-pegawai utama Universiti.

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Teks: Siti Fatimah Abu Mansor/Foto: Shahnizam Ab Rahim 


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PENANG, 10 June 2024 – The School of Communication at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) recently organised a student-led Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) project titled "Hope for The Homeless Project” at the Pusat Transit Gelandangan (PTG) in George Town, Penang.

The project is one of the assessments for YBP230 CSR course under the supervision of Professor Dr. Jamilah Ahmad and Dr. Suriati Saad, and is aimed to enhance the well-being of PTG's homeless population by providing essential food and hygiene resources.

Additionally, it sought to promote self-sustainability among PTG residents through urban farming initiatives and to establish partnerships with local communities and businesses.

According to Suriati, "Based on our previous research on teaching CSR courses at university students, engaging the students with industry and community is a fundamental element to ensure students gain an overall understanding of the course. This is what we are trying to incorporate in this course." 

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“Our students have also developed a website for PTG to increase awareness of the services provided by PTG and to enable others such as corporate organisations, NGOs and general public to contribute to PTG,” she said, referring to the newly developed website to raise awareness about Pusat Transit Gelandangan that includes a donation form and contact details for the centre.

Assistant Operation Manager of PTG, Mohamad Nazrin Dolmat, warmly welcomed the USM students to the centre.

Nazrin stressed that homelessness is a growing problem in Malaysia, with more people forced to stay in shelters and struggle for food and survival. He expressed a particular need for food, especially meat, as it is rarely available to the homeless.

“We are thankful and grateful to have the students helped clean the shelters and set up hydroponic racks for fresh produce within the PTG area.

“This hydroponic initiative ensures that the centre has fresh produce to feed the residents, promoting health, wellness, and self-sufficiency. Additionally, the centre can sell the fresh produce to earn income,” he said.

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Meanwhile, USM Pusat Sejahtera dentist, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, provided dental care education to the homeless individuals, emphasising the importance of dental hygiene. He demonstrated the proper method to brush teeth and gums and answered questions from the audience.

“Thank you to USM for their presence. This is not the first time a university has visited, but it is the first time there has been a hydroponic programme. Thanks to USM for coming and raising awareness about homelessness,” said Nazrin at the end of the programme.

Suriati summed up by saying, “Homelessness impacts the entire community. We must unite to tackle this challenge and help those who are struggling to find a better life.”

For the record, USM students curated sponsors and organised fundraising activities to collect food and money for essential items for the homeless including toothpaste, sanitary pads, biscuits, towels, and shampoo. These items were distributed, helping the homeless meet some of their basic needs and improving their well-being.

Source text & photo: Dr. Suriati Saad, School of Communication, USM/Editing: Tan Ewe Hoe



GEORGE TOWN, PENANG, 13 November 2024 – The National Poison Centre (PRN) of Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) celebrated its 30th anniversary at the Gala Dinner of the 22nd Scientific Congress of the Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology (APAMT) 2024.

Themed “Blossom Through Time: A Timeless Tribute to Toxicology,” the evening honoured PRN’s contributions to toxicology and public health, as well as its impact on Penang’s medical tourism sector.

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USM Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dato’ Seri Ir. Dr. Abdul Rahman Mohamed commended PRN’s achievements, stating, “PRN’s contribution to Malaysia and the world are truly commendable. As the first Poison Centre in Southeast Asia, it has become a landmark institution in Malaysia, renowned for its dedication to poison management, prevention awareness, and innovative community solutions.”

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“Appointed as a World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre for Drug Information, these and many more achievements reflect PRN's commitment to providing quality service and excellence in the field of toxicology,” stated Abdul Rahman.

Meanwhile, in his opening remarks, Penang Executive Council Member for Youth, Sports, and Health, Daniel Gooi Zi Sen, emphasised the prominent impact of both toxicology and medical tourism in Penang, reflecting the state’s dedication to world-class medical services that attract international patients.

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"Penang’s medical tourism generated RM380 million in revenue in 2023 alone, drawing patients from Indonesia, Bangladesh, India, and beyond," stated Daniel.

"This achievement showcases the expertise of our medical professionals, the high standards of our healthcare facilities, and the unique warmth of Penang hospitality."

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As the APAMT 2024 Gala Dinner concluded, the event highlighted APAMT’s commitment to pioneering advancements in toxicology throughout the Asia Pacific region.

With the enduring dedication of the National Poison Centre (PRN), USM and Penang proudly reinforce their positions as leaders in public health, fostering future growth and impactful collaborations in the field.

Text: Shafinaz Md Ismail/Photo: Mohd Fairus Md Isa



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PENANG, 14 May 2024 – Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), through the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences together with the Malaysian Society of Pharmaceutical Technology (MSPT) recently organised the International Conference on Drug Discovery and Development (IC3D) 2024.

The jointly-organised scientific conference brought together more than 100 scientists, researchers, clinicians, policymakers, representatives from the government agencies and pharmaceutical companies to share their latest research and insights on drug discovery and development.

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Speaking at the opening ceremony of the conference, USM Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Innovation, Professor Dr. Habibah A Wahab, who is exercising the functions of the USM Vice-Chancellor said that in the current rapidly-evolving landscape, the quest for discovering new drugs and enhancing their delivery methods has never been more critical.

“This year's theme, "Drug Discovery and Delivery: Present and Future," highlights the importance of collaboration and innovation in addressing global health challenges.

“From combating infectious diseases to alleviating chronic conditions, the impact of collective efforts in drug discovery and delivery has touched the lives of millions.

“Across the globe, researchers and practitioners are utilising cutting-edge technologies and methodologies to produce novel therapeutic agents and optimised drug delivery systems to address unmet medical needs,” she said.

Habibah added that all these are made possible through interdisciplinary collaborations, data-driven approaches and precision medicine initiatives.

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The President of MSPT, Dr. Thaigarajan Parumasivan said that IC3D 2024 represents more than just a conference. It symbolises a beacon of collaboration. It is a platform that unites local and international experts under one roof to foster the exchange of ideas and knowledge essential for shaping the future of pharmaceutics.

“The theme ‘Drug Discovery and Delivery: Present and Future’ encapsulates the current advancements in drug discovery and delivery, while simultaneously foreseeing the path for future developments in tackling global health challenges,” he added.

IC3D 2024 was held in a hybrid manner to allow both in-person and virtual interactions during its keynote and plenary sessions as well as its poster and oral presentations.

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In addition, a post-conference workshop session offers attendees the opportunity to further understand the issue of drug development.

Also present at the opening ceremony was the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences Dean, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nurzalina Abdul Karim Khan.

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Text: Siti Fatimah Abu Mansor/Editing: Tan Ewe Hoe/Photo: Mohd Fairus Md Isa


PULAU PINANG, 31 Januari 2025 - Naib Canselor USM, Profesor Dato’ Seri Ir. Dr. Abdul Rahman Mohamed menyambut kunjungan hormat Ketua Audit Negara, Dato' Seri Wan Suraya Wan Mohd Radzi dalam rangka lawatan rasmi ke USM bagi meninjau kemudahan-kemudahan sukan yang ada di USM.
Kunjungan ini adalah sebagai persiapan awal penganjuran Program Kecergasan Jabatan Audit Negara (JAN) Tahun 2025 dan Taklimat Kerjaya Jabatan Audit Negara (JAN) yang julung kali akan dilaksanakan di USM pada bulan Ogos 2025.
Lawatan kerja tersebut turut dihadiri oleh Datuk Hajah Patimah Ramuji Timbalan Ketua Audit Negara (Kewangan); Pengarah Pusat Sukan dan Rekreasi (PSR) USM, Profesor Dr. Hairul Anuar Hashim; Bendahari USM, Rafizal Abd Rahim; Pengarah Audit Sektor Audit Kewangan, JAN merangkap Yang Dipertua Kelab Audit Wilayah Persekutuan (KAWIP), Tuan Haji Azunan Daud dan Pengarah Audit Negeri, JAN Negeri Pulau Pinang, Dr. Zaharuddin Zainal Abidin. 
Teks: Mohd Azrul Mohd Azhar    Foto: Shahnizam Ab Rahim




USM PULAU PINANG, 31 Januari 2025 - Naib Canselor Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Profesor Dato’ Seri Ir. Dr. Abdul Rahman Mohamed menyambut kunjungan hormat Ketua Audit Negara, Dato' Seri Wan Suraya Wan Mohd Radzi dalam rangka lawatan rasmi ke USM bagi meninjau kemudahan-kemudahan sukan yang ada di USM.
Kunjungan ini adalah sebagai persiapan awal penganjuran Program Kecergasan Jabatan Audit Negara (JAN) Tahun 2025 dan Taklimat Kerjaya Jabatan Audit Negara (JAN) yang julung kali akan dilaksanakan di USM pada bulan Ogos 2025.
Lawatan kerja tersebut turut dihadiri oleh Timbalan Ketua Audit Negara (Kewangan), Datuk Hajah Patimah Ramuji; Pengarah Pusat Sukan dan Rekreasi (PSR) USM, Profesor Dr. Hairul Anuar Hashim; Bendahari USM, Rafizal Abd Rahim; Pengarah Audit Sektor Audit Kewangan, JAN merangkap Yang Dipertua Kelab Audit Wilayah Persekutuan (KAWIP), Tuan Haji Azunan Daud; dan Pengarah Audit Negeri, JAN Negeri Pulau Pinang, Dr. Zaharuddin Zainal Abidin. 
Teks: Mohd Azrul Mohd Azhar/Foto: Shahnizam Ab Rahim



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USM PENANG, 8 April 2024 – The National Poison Centre (NPC) at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) plays a vital role in addressing poisoning incidents across the nation, closely monitoring emerging trends associated with new products in the market or regulatory alterations.

According to NPC drug and poison information services chief pharmacist, Sulastri Samsudin, NPC has been monitoring poisoning exposure cases related to electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) and their liquids since 2015, when they were first made commercially available.

“Over the span of nine years from 2015 to the present, the NPC has meticulously observed 111 cases linked to e-cigarettes and their accompanying liquids, with notable surges occurring during two distinct periods, first between 2020 and 2021, and then between 2022 and 2023,” she cited.

Sulastri said the first phase of increase by twice was in 2020 at 13.5 per cent and 2021 at 19.8 per cent compared with 6.3 per cent in 2019, which was during the Movement Control Order (MCO) due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The majority of cases then involved children aged below five. This situation can be attributed to the accessibility of these products to children due to inadequate storage practices.

"This is further compounded by the form of product packaging, especially liquid e-cigarettes without safety features and the existence of interesting flavourings such as appealing food and sweets/candies.

"The second phase of increase was after the MCO, which was in 2022 and 2023. Although there was a slight decrease to 18 per cent in 2022; in 2023, the NPC recorded the highest number of e-cigarette exposure calls of 30.6 per cent, a five-time increase compared with 2019,” she said in a statement released recently.

Sulastri also mentioned that in the same year, nicotine was removed from the Poisons Act 1952.  

“The second phase also showed a change in the trend in the age category, where more teenagers aged 15 to 19 years experienced poisoning due to the deliberate use of e-cigarettes.

“Furthermore, more than 95 per cent of reported cases were symptomatic,” she said.

“The majority of symptoms exhibited by patients were consistent with nicotine poisoning symptoms such as severe vomiting, drowsiness, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, fainting, and seizures/convulsions.”

She, however, said there were also patients who showed more severe symptoms such as psychosis, hallucinations, aggressive behaviour changes and were suspected of involving drug abuse into e-cigarette liquid.

"Since 2021, the NPC had started receiving cases of exposure to e-cigarettes linked to the drug, Magic Mushroom, or its active ingredient psilocybin, and recorded a total of 23 cases to date.

"Without any control over e-cigarettes, the NPC cannot confirm the content of the substance," she added.

As such, Sulastri urged the government to speed up the implementation of the Control of Smoking Products for Public Health Act 2023 which was approved last year, to ensure greater control of electronic cigarette products, mitigate e-cigarette-related harm, and safeguard public well-being.

Among the control measures that can be taken are:

  • Use safety caps for e-cigarette refill containers;
  • Prohibit the use of food flavourings in e-cigarette liquids;
  • Limit the concentration of nicotine and the amount of liquid in e-cigarette liquids and refill containers;
  • Ensure that products, especially chemicals, are tested and registered for monitoring purposes;
  • Set a strict standard operating procedure for product manufacturing processes of e-cigarette products;
  • Strengthen the monitoring system for cases of exposure to e-cigarette poisoning;
  • Ensure that e-cigarettes are off limit to minors/underaged individuals.

"NPC once again calls for the speedy implementation of control over smoking products, especially e-cigarettes, to prevent more Malaysians, especially the younger generation, from falling victim to nicotine addiction and poisoning," Sulastri said.

Translation: Tan Ewe Hoe



USM PENANG, 21 May 2024 – The Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) School of Pharmaceutical Sciences organised a programme today to provide engagement opportunities for students with experts and players in the field.

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In her opening speech, the Dean of the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor Dr. Nurzalina Abdul Karim Khan said, the programme is pivotal as it is planned for the students to explore a myriad of opportunities to establish connections and to be involved in network sessions with industry experts.

She continued by saying that though many students can excel academically, it is the first impression that counts, be they in an interview for a job, or upon seeing a patient. The strength of character is just as important, as they would need to have the desire for lifelong learning, to be compassion, and to have the empathy in dealing with customers or patients in the future.

In representing the USM Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Innovation, Nurzalina further said that the event could assist in the students’ journey to become healthcare professionals. The field of pharmacy is constantly evolving and an event such as this could provide valuable insights and guidance into areas of healthcare, science and patient care.

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She then said, involvement in the pharmacy field is not only about dispensing medicine; it is about improving lives, enhancing patient outcomes and contributing to the wellbeing of communities, regardless of where you may serve. As long as they continue to have the core values of the profession, namely integrity, empathy and commitment to excellence, they would surely be able to make a positive impact in the lives of whom they serve.

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signing ceremony was later held between the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences and HeyDOC, with Nurzalina representing the School and HeyDOC being represented by Christina Oui Hui Che.

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Held at Dewan Budaya USM, the ‘Pharmacy Career Day and Talent Recruitment Drive Event’ include collaborators from the pharmaceutical industry and companies such as Alpro, HTM, Nova, Guardian, Hovid, PMG, Duopharma, Malaysian Community Pharmacy Guild and the Ministry of Health Malaysia (KKM).

The one-day programme also held different talk sessions from 10 different speakers, each one focusing on their area of expertise, in addition to having a few booths set up at the foyer of Dewan Budaya for the participants to view the various products and services offered by the respective companies involved.

Text: Mazlan Hanafi Basharudin/Photo: Mohd Fairus Md Isa


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BAYAN LEPAS, PENANG, 15 August 2024 – Professor of Neuroscience and Chairman of the Brain Behaviour Research Cluster at the School of Medical Sciences (PPSP), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Professor Dato' Dr. Jafri Malin Dato' Haji Abdullah has handed over his duties as the Coordinator of the International Brain Bee (IBB) Malaysia Chapter to Associate Professor Dr. Muzaimi Mustapha effective 15 August 2024.

Muzaimi, who is also a Lecturer in Neuroscience at PPSP USM, is expected to continue the legacy of IBB leadership in Malaysia, especially in ensuring the continuity of the IBB programme at the national level as well as at the global level.

IBB is a neuroscience competition for teenagers founded in 1999 by Norbert Myslinski and covers over 200 Chapters in more than 50 regions on six (6) continents.

It aims to help treat and find cures for brain disorders by inspiring and motivating students to pursue basic and clinical neuroscience careers.

Jafri Malin and Muzaimi, together with the national neuroscience community as well as delegates from Asian countries, are scheduled to participate in the 'Asian Society Against Dementia' (ASAD) 2024 at SPICE Arena, Penang on 15 to 17 August 2024 which will be held in conjunction with the final competition of the 'Malaysian Brain Bee Challenge'.

The winners of the IBB competition from each country will also be invited to virtually compete in this year's world championship in conjunction with the annual scientific meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN) in Chicago, United States, from 5 to 9 October 2024.

Text & Photo: Amyrulhan Azhari/Professor Dato' Dr. Jafri Malin Dato' Haji Abdullah


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PENANG, 1 October 2024 – It has been said that when you aspire to achieve success, reach for the sky. Which is what Keith Isaac Noni of Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) had done while studying at the School of Industrial Technology in USM.

As an alumnus of the MSc in Environmental Science programme at the School, and a rising PhD candidate in the Environmental Technology programme, he has been awarded the prestigious Early Career Poster Presentation Award.

This accolade was bestowed upon him at the highly acclaimed 16th International Commission on Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution (iCACGP) Symposium and the 18th International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) Science Conference, positioning him among the brightest emerging talents in atmospheric science.

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Held from the 9-13 September 2024 at the World Trade Centre in Kuala Lumpur, the iCACGP-IGAC Conference is a globally renowned platform for atmospheric scientists.

Keith was awarded for his outstanding poster in the “Air Quality Impact” category, showcasing his impactful research on kitchen emissions and their health risks in commercial settings.

The research done by Keith focuses on the emission of pollutants from kitchens in commercial environments, an area of concern highlighted by the World Health Organization (WHO) as one of the world’s largest environmental health risks.

Cooking, especially in commercial kitchens, produces a variety of air pollutants, including volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and particulate matter (PM) that can have carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic effects on individuals exposed to them.

Through his Master's research project, "Source Characterization and Health Risk Assessment of Ambient Kitchen Emissions," Keith analysed the variability of these pollutants, considering factors such as food type, cooking temperature, and methods.

His work aims to create an activity-based emission inventory to model indoor air concentrations and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions.

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This research aligns with the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3 on Good Health and Well-being, particularly concerning the health and safety of kitchen workers.

The project which was supervised by Ts. Dr. Norhaniza Amil encompassed objectives such as determining VOC and PM concentrations in commercial kitchen emissions, assessing health risks from exposure, estimating the formation of air pollutants, and analysing correlations between kitchen scenarios and emissions through positive matrix factorization (PMF).

The IGAC Early Career Programme, of which Keith is involved in, is dedicated to fostering a global network of budding researchers and supporting international research and collaboration.

Keith was one of 40 early career researchers (ECRs) chosen from over 150 worldwide applicants to participate in this programme.

Throughout the conference, he engaged in the Early Career Short Course, presented at poster sessions, and took part in special facility tours, networking opportunities, and social activities designed to connect ECRs with senior scientists.

Keith received his award at the closing ceremony of the iCACGP-IGAC Conference on 13 September, a proud moment that marked his growing recognition in the field of environmental science and technology.

The IGAC programme is funded by notable organisations, including NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), and NSF (National Science Foundation).

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These organisations support the advancement of research and collaboration in the field of atmospheric chemistry, fostering an environment for innovative solutions to global environmental challenges.

For more information about Keith's research and the conference, visit the iCACGP-IGAC Conference 2024 website at

Text: Associate Professor Dr. Japareng Lalung, School of Industrial Technology, USM/Editing: Mazlan Hanafi Basharudin


PENANG, 11 September 2024 – Consultant Child Specialist and Medical Geneticist from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Professor Dr. Zilfalil Alwi has made a name for himself, being one of the authors in a prestigious journal for an article entitled ‘The WHO Genomics Programme for Equitable Implementation of Human Genomics for Global Health’.

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The article was published in the Nature Medicine journal, a renowned research journal which focuses in publishing the latest advancements in clinical and translational research for scientists and doctors.

The working paper prepared by members of the Technical Advisory Group on Genomics (TAG-G), World Health Organisation (WHO) emphasises the critical importance of the field of human genomics to global health.

Zilfalil has earlier created history by being the sole Malaysian amongst the 15 appointed members of TAG-G who serves as advisor to WHO in the field of genomics.

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The WHO has launched a comprehensive genomics programme aimed at advancing equitable access to genomic technologies across the globe.

This initiative follows the significant advancements in human genomics, particularly since the publication of the first draft of the human genome sequence in 2001.

These advancements have revolutionized the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases through the sequencing of millions of genomes and the discovery of numerous gene-disease associations.

However, access to these groundbreaking technologies remains uneven, especially in low- and middle-income countries. This disparity is largely due to resource limitations and low adoption capabilities within health systems.

The WHO Genomics Programme, guided by its TAG-G, seeks to address these inequalities by promoting investments, fostering collaborations, and overcoming obstacles to the widespread implementation of genomics.

Key actions of the programme include targeted communication efforts to highlight the benefits of genomics, the development of investment scenarios tailored to regional needs, and the establishment of principles for the ethical use and sharing of genomic data.

The programme also aims to strengthen partnerships with organizations and stakeholders in the field to ensure a coordinated, global approach to human genomics.

Through these efforts, the WHO is committed to advancing the use of genomic technologies in healthcare, thereby improving individual and population health outcomes worldwide.

The success of this initiative hinges on the collective efforts of governments, communities, and the private sector to ensure that the benefits of genomics are accessible to all, particularly the most underserved populations.

Translation: Mazlan Hanafi Basharudin



USM PENANG, 6 June 2024 – The Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Student Representative Council (MPP) recently joined forces with Food Bank Mutiara and the USM School of Communication (SOC) to bring aid to students in need at USM SOC through the 'Communication Foodbank' initiative

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The initiative was organised and led by USM MPP representative, Daneswaran A/L Muneswaran Thiagu with the aim to provide essential food and personal care items to Communication students who are in need, particularly those in the B40 category.

A total of 100 packs of frozen food and 50 goodie bags containing items such as toothpaste, shampoo, toothbrushes, and soaps were distributed to students at the C10 Building, on 6 June 2024.

Daneswaran said that the gesture was met with gratitude and appreciation by the students for the support extended, reflecting the positive impact of the 'Communication Foodbank' initiative on their lives.

“The initiative demonstrated the power of compassion and generosity in fostering a caring community,” he said.

Special thanks to the USM SOC Dean, Associate Professor Dr. Bahiyah Omar, Penang State Government and Food Bank Mutiara for their support throughout the initiative.

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This collaborative effort highlights the importance of unity and compassion in supporting those who are in need of assistance.

Text: Thiviyaatharishienee A/P Kaliappan/ Photo: Siti Mashitah Kamarulzaman, Rhema Seng, Wong Suet Ying (School of Communication USM)



PUTRAJAYA, 24 October 2024 – Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) has reached a significant milestone in its commitment to international academic collaboration by signing a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with Keele University (Keele), United Kingdom, today at the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia.

The agreement establishes a PhD dual degree programme, allowing doctoral students to earn dual degrees from both institutions. Participants will engage in joint research supervised by faculty members from USM and Keele, utilising top-tier facilities and resources.


The MoA was signed by USM Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Innovation, Professor Dr. Habibah A Wahab, on behalf of the Vice-Chancellor, while Keele was represented by its Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dr. Trevor McMillan.

“This MoA signing ceremony signifies our commitment towards strengthening the long-standing relationship between our institutions.


“This collaboration opens a new chapter in our international outreach, particularly in advancing scientific knowledge in molecular medicine and biology," said Habibah.

Habibah emphasised that partnering with Keele provides our students with a global research perspective to tackle complex health challenges.


"The partnership will also facilitate international student exchange, fostering collaboration between the Institute for Research in Molecular Medicine (INFORMM) and the School of Biological Sciences at USM, along with Faculty of Natural Sciences at Keele.

“Keele, known for its expertise in life sciences and global health research, shares USM’s commitment in producing graduates who can make meaningful contributions to scientific and medical advancements," she added.


McMillan expressed enthusiasm for the partnership and excitement to collaborate with USM in developing a PhD programme that promotes academic excellence and research innovation globally.

"Students will gain diverse experiences and exposure to advanced methodologies that will prepare them for impactful careers in biomedical sciences," he added.

McMillan emphasised students enrolled in the programme will have the opportunity to divide their research time between the USM Main Campus in Penang, known for its expertise in tropical diseases and molecular biology, and Keele’s Faculty of Natural Sciences in Staffordshire, UK, which is recognised for its interdisciplinary approach to biomedical research.


“This dual degree programme aims to cultivate highly-skilled researchers capable of addressing pressing global health issues such as infectious diseases, cancer, and genetic disorders. Graduates will hold qualifications from both USM and Keele, enhancing their employability and positioning them at the forefront of scientific innovation,” said McMillan.

Applications for the PhD dual degree programme will open next year, with the first intake scheduled for the 2025/2026 academic year.

Further details on application procedures and eligibility criteria will be available on the official websites of both universities.

Also present were Deputy Director-General, Department of Higher Education (JPT), Professor Dr. Zainal Amin Ayub representing the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia; Director of INFORMM, Associate Professor Dr. Aziah Ismail; Deputy Director (Postgraduate), INFORMM, Dr. Eugene Ong Boon Beng; Chairperson of Agrobiology, Entomology and Parasitology Programme, Dr. Nik Ahmad Irwan Izzauddin Nik Him representing the Dean, School of Biological Sciences USM; Senior Principal Assistant Director JPT, Ts. Inv. Dr. Mohammad Abdullah; and Principal Assistant Director JPT, Yogitha V. Muniandy.

Text: Amyrulhan Azhari/Photo: Wan Mohd Rashidi Wan Mood




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PULAU PINANG, 25 April 2024 – Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) menyediakan sejumlah 10 mesin Defibrilasi Luaran Automatik (Automated External Defibrilator – AED) untuk ditempatkan di setiap kampus yang berfungsi bagi membantu pesakit yang mengalami serangan jantung secara mengejut.

Peruntukan yang menelan belanja sejumlah RM80,000 bagi pembelian mesin ini akan ditempatkan di kampus induk sebanyak 7 buah manakala selebihnya masing-masing sebuah di Kampus Kejuruteraan, Institut Perubatan dan Pergigian Termaju (IPPT) dan Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM).

Naib Canselor Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Prof. Dato’ Seri Ir. Dr. Abdul Rahman Mohamed berkata, inisiatif ini yang disediakan melalui Pusat Sejahtera USM adalah bagi memastikan kemudahan rawatan kecemasan universiti sentiasa berada dalam ketersediaan terbaik selain memupuk amalan penjagaan kesihatan berlandaskan pencegahan, serta meningkatkan kesedaran tentang mendapatkan rawatan perubatan awal kepada warga USM.

Jelas beliau, universiti sentiasa mengutamakan kesejahteraan kesihatan warga USM kerana persediaan fasiliti seperti mesin AED ini dilihat penting dengan situasi persekitaran kesihatan masa kini yang memungkinkan individu berisiko serangan jantung secara mengejut di kampus.

"Pelbagai peruntukan skim perubatan telah diusahakan oleh USM bagi menambahbaik perkhidmatan perubatan buat warga USM antaranya menambahbaik Pusat Saringan Demam (Fever Centre) di Pusat Sejahtera dan juga pelaksanaan saringan kesihatan bagi warga USM yang melebihi umur 40 tahun termasuk program I Fit and Eat Right (IFitEr) bagi mereka yang mempunyai BMI melebihi 25," ucap beliau ketika merasmikan Sambutan Hari Kesihatan Sedunia 2024 peringkat Universiti Sains Malaysia di Dewan Pembangunan Siswa 1, Kompleks Cahaya Siswa, USM.

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Tambah Abdul Rahman lagi, berdasarkan rekod statistik masalah kesihatan di kalangan staf mahupun pelajar USM semakin meningkat saban tahun terutamanya penyakit jantung, buah pinggang dan kanser.

"Nasihat saya untuk warga USM, lakukanlah ujian saringan kesihatan secara berkala seperti yang dinasihatkan pakar perubatan supaya pencegahan awal dapat dilakukan.

"Ini juga dapat membantu mengelakkan kos rawatan yang lebih tinggi jika tidak diambil tindakan awal pencegahan penyakit-penyakit kritikal," tambah Abdul Rahman.

Di majlis yang sama, Pengarah Pusat Sejahtera USM, Dr. Ahmad Zaimi Abdul Latif berkata, mesin-mesin AED ini akan diletakkan di beberapa buah PTJ yang banyak terdedah kepada risiko serangan jantung mengejut.

"Antara lokasi yang kita tempatkan adalah di Pusat Sukan dan Rekreasi USM, Stadium Tan Sri Azman Hashim, padang KOPA USM, Pejabat Naib Canselor dan beberapa lagi lokasi sesuai selain di Pusat Sejahtera sendiri, kata beliau.

Sambutan tersebut turut dimeriahkan dengan acara senamrobik bersama Coach Alia, ujian saringan kesihatan, suntikan vaksin Human Papillomavirus (HPV) secara percuma dan ceramah kesihatan bertajuk "Cegah Sebelum Parah" oleh pakar Nefrologi dan Perubatan Dalaman Hospital Putrajaya, Dr. Rafidah Abdullah.

Turut hadir adalah Timbalan Naib Canselor Hal Ehwal Pembangunan Pelajar dan Alumni, USM, Prof. Dr. Shaharum Shamsuddin.

Teks: Mohd Azrul Mohd Azhar | Foto: Shahnizam Ab Rahim



PENANG, 21 December 2024 – The Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC) buzzed with innovation as the CREST Medical Device Challenge 2024 brought together the brightest minds in engineering and medical sciences, including an outstanding contingent from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM).

Organised by the Collaborative Research in Engineering, Science, and Technology (CREST) in partnership with the Malaysia Aerospace Industry Association (MAIA) and the Association of Malaysian Medical Industries (AMMI), the event held on 12 December 2024, was a showcase of ingenuity and groundbreaking medical device concepts.

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USM made its mark with 18 students from the Medical Physics Programme, School of Physics, competing in five teams under the mentorship of Dr. Nursakinah Suardi (two teams) and Dr. Nik Noor Ashikin Nik Ab Razak (three teams).

Demonstrating exceptional innovation and dedication, all five teams advanced to the semifinals.

One of the teams, consisting of Shaline Lavinia Justin, Safia Heidi, and Atiqah Syafiah, excelled further by reaching the finals and proudly securing the Third Prize, with the Best Presenter Award awarded to Shaline Lavinia Justin.

Their project, "TiO2/Cu/TiO2 Multilayer Thermoluminescence Dosimeter for Medical Diagnostic Applications," epitomized cutting-edge research and practical applications, leaving a strong impression on judges and attendees.


The other four teams also showcased remarkable projects that highlighted their technical skills and creativity.

  • Team 1: Developed a portable 532nm photobiomodulation device for chronic wound healing and circulatory support.
  • Team 2: Presented an innovative 3D-printed Doppler phantom for medical training and testing.
  • Team 3: Advanced radiation protection practices with a head phantom for absorbed dose measurement in dental X-rays.
  • Team 5: Evaluated a Perspex breast phantom with integrated dosimeters for mammography image quality analysis.

This remarkable achievement not only highlights the students' dedication but also reflects the strong guidance and support from their mentors.

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USM continues to excel on prestigious platforms, reinforcing its status as a hub of innovation and academic excellence.

Congratulations to all participants and their mentors for this outstanding accomplishment, bringing pride and recognition to USM!


BANGI, 16 May 2024 - A group of students from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) has once again demonstrated its excellence in implementing environmental and sustainability initiatives, and aligning closely with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The 10th Malaysian International Seminar on Antarctica with the theme “Polar Research for Sustainability & Planetary Health” was organised from 14 - 16 May 2024 at Bangi Resort Hotel in Bangi, Selangor, where it was officiated by Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin of Terengganu, the Patron of the Sultan Mizan Antarctic Research Foundation (YPASM).

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The USM students who participated in The Sustainable Antarctica Competition 2024 - TikTok Creative Video Competition that was held in conjunction with the seminar had achieved outstanding success. Competing amongst 150 participants, they won multiple top awards, showcasing their creativity and commitment to sustainability.

Lee Ling Hui, a second-year student from the Bioresource Technology Division, School of Industrial Technology, USM won the Grand Prize with her winning video.

Phang Khang Wei, a third-year student from the Food Technology Division, School of Industrial Technology, USM secured the Second Prize.

Chin Pei Yi, also a third-year student from the Food Technology Division, won a Consolation Prize.

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The team of Nadiah Mohammad Yusof and Nur Arni Sabrina Azmin, both fourth-year students from the School of Biological Sciences, also won another Consolation Prize.

Meanwhile, a student from the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Ahmad Adam Osman Nurhazli won the "Most Liked Video" category.

The awards were presented by the Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability (NRES), Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad during the seminar.

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Other notable achievements by USM extended beyond the video competition.

Jiei Kobe from the Environmental Technology Division, School of Industrial Technology, USM, secured the First Prize for ‘Best Oral Presentation’ with his final-year project titled "Mercury Reduction by Micrococcus sp. Isolated from Signy Island, Antarctica."

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This research is a collaborative effort between USM and the British Antarctic Survey, supervised by Associate Professor Dr. Japareng Lalung and Professor Dr. Peter Convey. The project aligns with SDG 14 (Life Below Water) and SDG 15 (Life on Land) by addressing the impact of mercury pollution on ecosystems.

Adding to the accolades, Associate Professor Dr. Yusri Yusup from the Environmental Technology Division, School of Industrial Technology, USM, was announced as a recipient of the YPASM grant worth RM130,000 for his project titled “Enhancing Understanding of Antarctic Atmospheric Processes and their Teleconnection to the Monsoons in the Strait of Malacca, Malaysia through Comprehensive Data Management.”

The award was presented to him by Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin of Terengganu. This project supports SDG 13 (Climate Action) by enhancing understanding of climate processes and their effects.

Both the Sustainable Antarctica Competition 2024 and the 10th Malaysian International Seminar on Antarctica provided a significant platform for highlighting innovative research and creative approaches aimed at promoting sustainability and planetary health.

The remarkable achievements by USM underscore its dedication to environmental stewardship and its leadership in education and research on sustainability and contributing to various SDGs, including SDG 4 (Quality Education), SDG 13 (Climate Action), SDG 14 (Life Below Water), and SDG 15 (Life on Land).

For more details about the competition, visit Sustainable Antarctica Competition 2024. To learn more about the seminar, visit 10th Malaysian International Seminar on Antarctica.

Text: Associate Professor Dr. Japareng Lalung (School of Industrial Technology, USM)/Editing: Mazlan Hanafi Basharudin




USM-KLE, BELGAUM, INDIA, 23 February 2025 – The USM-KLE Blood Donation Day 2025 was a resounding success, held at MDL 1, USM-KLE and organised by Health Exco, MedSoc 24/25 in partnership with Dr. Prabhakar Kore Charitable Hospital and the local hospital blood bank.

The event sought to foster a culture of blood donation among students and staff at USM-KLE, increase blood supplies for the hospital blood bank, raise awareness of the health benefits of donating blood, and promote volunteerism within the campus community.


Running from 9.00 am to 2.00 pm, the programme welcomed participants including students, academic staff, and non-academic staff of USM-KLE.

A total of 85 donors participated, resulting in the collection of 82 bags of blood. Unfortunately, 3 donors were ineligible to donate due to health factors such as low hemoglobin levels and unstable blood pressure.


The event saw enthusiastic participation, with many attendees expressing their willingness to join similar initiatives in the future.

Positive feedback was also received from the hospital and local blood bank, highlighting the dedication and involvement of the students.


Overall, the USM-KLE Blood Donation Day 2025 successfully achieved its goals, garnering positive feedback from the USM-KLE community.

The event not only bolstered the needed blood supply but also increased awareness among students and staff about the importance of blood donation.


With this achievement, it is hoped that similar events can be held regularly to ensure a sufficient blood supply in hospital blood banks while also strengthening the spirit of volunteerism within the USM-KLE community.

Original text in Malay & photos: Health Exco, MedSoc 24/25/Translation: Tan Ewe Hoe


USM PENANG, 20 January 2025 – Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) and Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) were honoured to receive recognition from the recently concluded Malaysia GPM Sustainability Awards 2024.

Their collaborative project, ‘Sustainable Positive Youth Development (SPYDe) Activities through the P.A.T.H.S. Programme,’ earned them the Project Excellence award under the Project of the Year category.

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The Project of the Year award recognises the outcomes of the Sustainable Positive Youth Development (SPYDe) initiative, a key activity under the Positive Adolescent Training through Holistic Social (P.A.T.H.S.) Programme.

This programme is a collaborative effort between the USM School of Educational Studies and the PolyU Department of Applied Social Sciences.

Funded by PolyU, the project focuses on promoting the holistic development of adolescents among Form 1 and Form 2 students in Malaysian secondary schools.

According to Associate Vice President of PolyU and Principal Investigator of the P.A.T.H.S. Programme in Malaysia, Professor Daniel T.L. Shek, the programme is designed to foster essential social, emotional, and cognitive skills in young learners.

“I am delighted that the P.A.T.H.S. Programme, which originally began in Hong Kong, has been successfully implemented in 20 Malaysian secondary schools.

“I am equally well pleased with the programme's positive impact on Malaysian secondary students,” he said.

The Co-Principal Investigator from School of Educational Studies, USM, Associate Professor Dr. Thien Lei Mee, reported that the implementation of 10 teaching modules took place from 1 June to 30 July 2024, across 20 selected schools in Penang, covering four districts: Timur Laut, Barat Daya, Seberang Perai Utara, and Seberang Perai Tengah.

“The programme engaged 1,010 Form 1 and 2 students as well as 53 teachers in SPYDe activities.

“Aligned with USM's commitment to sustainability, the SPYDe initiative incorporates key sustainability elements, such as sustainable lesson plans and teaching materials into its curriculum,” she said.

She said further, “This is to foster the holistic development of adolescents while equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to contribute to a sustainable future.”

Thien, who is also the Director of the USM National Higher Education Research Institute (IPPTN), highlights that these activities are also closely aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), namely SDG 3 – Good Health and Well-Being, SDG 4 – Quality Education, and SDG 17 – Partnerships for the Goals.

“Additionally, SPYDe activities are structured around the 5P Framework: Product, Process, People, Planet, and Prosperity, ensuring a balanced approach to sustainability and positive youth development,” she explained.  

This initiative, she said, exemplifies how education can transform young people into contributors to a more sustainable and equitable future, and in the process, driving meaningful progress for both the environment and future generations.

The Malaysia GPM Sustainability Awards 2024 ceremony was held at Dewan Azman Hashim, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Kuala Lumpur on 16 January 2025.  

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Among the notable guests who graced the ceremony were the CEO of Kumpulan Antah Healthcare, Tunku Datuk Mohamed Alauddin Tunku Naquiyuddin; the Chairman of the GPM 2024 Sustainability Awards, Ir. Ts. Hisham Yahaya; the CEO of the Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation (MGTC), Ts. Shamsul Bahar Mohd Nor; the Secretary-General of the Sustainable Business Network Association Malaysia (SustNET) as the main organiser, Ts. Dr. Norsaidatul Akmar Mazelan, and several others.

The Green Project Management® (GPM®) Sustainability Awards programme is set up to honour and highlight the success and effect of individuals and projects for their contribution to sustainable development via the implementation of green project management principles.

The programme is managed by the Green Project Management (GPM) organisation that was founded in the United States in 2010, and is headquartered in Michigan.

Over the years, it has grown into a global movement promoting sustainable project management practices aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Source: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thien Lei Mee/Text: Tan Ewe Hoe/Photos: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thien Lei Mee



USM PENANG, 17 February 2025 – The School of Educational Studies (PPIP) at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) recently conducted a workshop titled "Clinical Trauma Specialist for Individuals: Empowering Your Clients to Heal from Trauma."

Organised by the Counselling Cluster of PPIP, this workshop was officially opened by the USM Deputy Vice-Chancellor Student Development Affairs and Alumni, Professor Dr. Shaharum Shamsuddin.


Former USM Deputy Vice-Chancellor Industry and Community Network and a PPIP Professor, Dato' Dr. See Ching Mey, who played a key role in initiating this workshop, was among those who attended.

"Trauma is a profound and lasting emotional shock caused by distressing life events. If left unaddressed, trauma can significantly impact an individual’s daily functioning and overall well-being.


“With mental health awareness and care being more critical than ever, it is essential that we equip ourselves with the right skills and knowledge to help those in need," said Shaharum in his opening speech.

This five-day workshop, conducted by the President and Founder of the Arizona Trauma Institute and President of Trauma Institute International, Dr. Robert Rhoton, provides participants with cutting-edge tools, knowledge, and strategies to effectively guide their clients toward healing, regardless of the complexity of their trauma and toxic stress history.


Designed to equip professionals with specialised skills, the programme covers a comprehensive range of essential topics, expanding understanding of trauma and offering practical tools that can be immediately implemented in practice.

Aligning with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being) and SDG 4 (Quality Education), this initiative emphasises the importance of mental health care in fostering healthier communities.


By enhancing trauma care expertise among professionals, the workshop contributes to building resilient individuals and societies, ensuring inclusive and equitable education, and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all.

This workshop reflects the ongoing commitment of PPIP and USM towards sustainability and holistic well-being, reinforcing its role as a leading institution in addressing global challenges through education.

Text: Nawwar Fairuz, School of Educational Studies USM/Editing: Tan Ewe Hoe/Photos: Noorhayati Mamur, School of Educational Studies USM

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