USM PENANG, 6 August 2024 – Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), through the School of Educational Studies (PPIP), in collaboration with the GCC-USM and the Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU), organised the 2nd GCC International Conference on Global Citizenship Education 2024 from 6 – 8 August 2024.

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The conference, held at the USM Main Campus, was jointly-organised with the aim to achieve several key objectives pertaining to the importance of Global Citizenship Education (GCED).

It provides a platform for researchers and academics to share their latest findings and insights, facilitate networking opportunities for participants to connect with peers and potential collaborators, and offer avenues for wider dissemination of research outcomes through journal publications.

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Additionally, the conference served as a benchmark for evaluating current research in GCED, fostering collaboration and advancing the impact globally.

The conference attracted significant interest from participants across Malaysia, Japan, Ghana, Indonesia, Thailand, and the Philippines, with 90 presenters selected to share their research.

USM Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dato’ Seri Ir. Dr. Abdul Rahman Mohamed officiated the opening ceremony earlier today.

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He said, “The theme of this conference, “Building Inclusive Communities Through Global Citizenship Education,” emphasises the importance of GCED in creating a more sustainable and harmonious world.”

“I believe this conference serves as a dynamic platform for promoting global collaboration and citizenship, and in building a more inclusive society, regardless of one’s background and nationality,” he added.

“GCED plays a crucial role in shaping the minds of future generations, therefore we need to equip our youth with the knowledge, skills, and values required to become active global citizens,” stressed the Vice-Chancellor.

According to the Director of APCEIU, Dr. Hyun Mook Lim, "A persistent gap exists between policy and practice, and integrating GCED into the national curriculum does not ensure its effective implementation.”

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“Often, GCED is applied inadequately or superficially, highlighting a critical need for enhancing teachers' capacity, particularly in understanding and applying GCED concepts and pedagogy," stated Hyun.

In a fitting conclusion to the speech, he quoted a poignant saying: "All kinds of little people doing little acts in little ways in little places have changed the world."

This impactful statement highlighted the belief that even small efforts can drive significant global change, reinforcing the core principles of Global Citizenship Education.

The 2nd GCC International Conference on Global Citizenship Education features two prominent keynote speakers.

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Hyun discussed the critical role of Global Citizenship Education in tackling global challenges such as inequality and ecological destruction.

Another keynote speaker, Professor Dato’ Dr. Sivamurugan Pandian, who lectures at the USM School of Social Sciences, focused on how Global Citizenship Education fosters mutual understanding and respect across diverse cultures, promoting a unified global community.

These keynote speakers aim to inspire and guide participants in exploring the transformative potential of education in addressing contemporary global issues.

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Also present at the event were Dean of the School of Educational Studies, Associate Professor Dr. Rahimi Che Aman; Penang Education Department Deputy Director of the Learning Sector, Roland @ Rozaidi Abu Hassan; Director of GCC-USM, Dr. Rohizani Yaakub, along with other academicians, research officers, and key university officers.

Text: Shafinaz Md Ismail/Photo: Mohd Fairus Md Isa & Shamil Shazwan Abu Bakar 


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PENANG, 10 June 2024 – The School of Communication at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) recently organised a student-led Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) project titled "Hope for The Homeless Project” at the Pusat Transit Gelandangan (PTG) in George Town, Penang.

The project is one of the assessments for YBP230 CSR course under the supervision of Professor Dr. Jamilah Ahmad and Dr. Suriati Saad, and is aimed to enhance the well-being of PTG's homeless population by providing essential food and hygiene resources.

Additionally, it sought to promote self-sustainability among PTG residents through urban farming initiatives and to establish partnerships with local communities and businesses.

According to Suriati, "Based on our previous research on teaching CSR courses at university students, engaging the students with industry and community is a fundamental element to ensure students gain an overall understanding of the course. This is what we are trying to incorporate in this course." 

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“Our students have also developed a website for PTG to increase awareness of the services provided by PTG and to enable others such as corporate organisations, NGOs and general public to contribute to PTG,” she said, referring to the newly developed website to raise awareness about Pusat Transit Gelandangan that includes a donation form and contact details for the centre.

Assistant Operation Manager of PTG, Mohamad Nazrin Dolmat, warmly welcomed the USM students to the centre.

Nazrin stressed that homelessness is a growing problem in Malaysia, with more people forced to stay in shelters and struggle for food and survival. He expressed a particular need for food, especially meat, as it is rarely available to the homeless.

“We are thankful and grateful to have the students helped clean the shelters and set up hydroponic racks for fresh produce within the PTG area.

“This hydroponic initiative ensures that the centre has fresh produce to feed the residents, promoting health, wellness, and self-sufficiency. Additionally, the centre can sell the fresh produce to earn income,” he said.

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Meanwhile, USM Pusat Sejahtera dentist, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, provided dental care education to the homeless individuals, emphasising the importance of dental hygiene. He demonstrated the proper method to brush teeth and gums and answered questions from the audience.

“Thank you to USM for their presence. This is not the first time a university has visited, but it is the first time there has been a hydroponic programme. Thanks to USM for coming and raising awareness about homelessness,” said Nazrin at the end of the programme.

Suriati summed up by saying, “Homelessness impacts the entire community. We must unite to tackle this challenge and help those who are struggling to find a better life.”

For the record, USM students curated sponsors and organised fundraising activities to collect food and money for essential items for the homeless including toothpaste, sanitary pads, biscuits, towels, and shampoo. These items were distributed, helping the homeless meet some of their basic needs and improving their well-being.

Source text & photo: Dr. Suriati Saad, School of Communication, USM/Editing: Tan Ewe Hoe



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PENANG, 14 May 2024 – Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), through the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences together with the Malaysian Society of Pharmaceutical Technology (MSPT) recently organised the International Conference on Drug Discovery and Development (IC3D) 2024.

The jointly-organised scientific conference brought together more than 100 scientists, researchers, clinicians, policymakers, representatives from the government agencies and pharmaceutical companies to share their latest research and insights on drug discovery and development.

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Speaking at the opening ceremony of the conference, USM Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Innovation, Professor Dr. Habibah A Wahab, who is exercising the functions of the USM Vice-Chancellor said that in the current rapidly-evolving landscape, the quest for discovering new drugs and enhancing their delivery methods has never been more critical.

“This year's theme, "Drug Discovery and Delivery: Present and Future," highlights the importance of collaboration and innovation in addressing global health challenges.

“From combating infectious diseases to alleviating chronic conditions, the impact of collective efforts in drug discovery and delivery has touched the lives of millions.

“Across the globe, researchers and practitioners are utilising cutting-edge technologies and methodologies to produce novel therapeutic agents and optimised drug delivery systems to address unmet medical needs,” she said.

Habibah added that all these are made possible through interdisciplinary collaborations, data-driven approaches and precision medicine initiatives.

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The President of MSPT, Dr. Thaigarajan Parumasivan said that IC3D 2024 represents more than just a conference. It symbolises a beacon of collaboration. It is a platform that unites local and international experts under one roof to foster the exchange of ideas and knowledge essential for shaping the future of pharmaceutics.

“The theme ‘Drug Discovery and Delivery: Present and Future’ encapsulates the current advancements in drug discovery and delivery, while simultaneously foreseeing the path for future developments in tackling global health challenges,” he added.

IC3D 2024 was held in a hybrid manner to allow both in-person and virtual interactions during its keynote and plenary sessions as well as its poster and oral presentations.

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In addition, a post-conference workshop session offers attendees the opportunity to further understand the issue of drug development.

Also present at the opening ceremony was the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences Dean, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nurzalina Abdul Karim Khan.

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Text: Siti Fatimah Abu Mansor/Editing: Tan Ewe Hoe/Photo: Mohd Fairus Md Isa



PENANG, 3 July 2024 – The Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Bachelor of Arts in English for Professionals (BA EfP) students from the School of Languages, Literacies and Translation (SoLLaT), in collaboration with Penang State Education Department (JPN), recently co-hosted an engaging community project.

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This two-week programme began with workshops on storytelling, public speaking, and debate, and finally culminating in an exciting competition.

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Thirteen secondary schools from Penang participated, with 150 students showcasing their talents. The debate segment stood out, featuring intense and thoughtful exchanges. After tough competition, SMK Penang Free School and SMK Convent Green Lane advanced to the final round, with SMK Penang Free School emerging as the champion. Congratulations to the winners!

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Associate Professor Dr. Malini Ganapathy, the Project Leader from SoLLaT who initiated this programme, highlighted the crucial role of EfP students in ensuring the event's success.

“Their involvement was essential for the smooth operation of the event. They took on key roles such as registration, ushering, chairing sessions, timekeeping, emceeing, photographing, editing, and food distribution,” she said.

Malini further noted that through these tasks, EfP students honed their soft skills, gaining valuable experience in organisation, teamwork, and communication, all of which are essential for their future careers.

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Special recognition goes to Nur Shaznie Faziera Mohamed Shawal, an EfP student and the head of the committee for this programme, for her dedicated leadership.

“Heartfelt thanks to everyone who made this programme a success. The volunteers, especially our EfP students, were amazing. We also appreciate the lecturers and teachers who gave up their weekends to serve as judges. Your support has been invaluable,” she added.

Looking ahead, SoLLaT USM hopes to organise similar events in the future, possibly including interschool debates within USM, especially between science and non-science students, to make things even more interesting.

Here's to more successful events in the future!

Text: Associate Professor Dr. Malini Ganapathy/Editing: Nur Farrah Ezlin Mohd Suhaimi/Photo: SoLLaT USM


PENANG, 11 September 2024 – Consultant Child Specialist and Medical Geneticist from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Professor Dr. Zilfalil Alwi has made a name for himself, being one of the authors in a prestigious journal for an article entitled ‘The WHO Genomics Programme for Equitable Implementation of Human Genomics for Global Health’.

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The article was published in the Nature Medicine journal, a renowned research journal which focuses in publishing the latest advancements in clinical and translational research for scientists and doctors.

The working paper prepared by members of the Technical Advisory Group on Genomics (TAG-G), World Health Organisation (WHO) emphasises the critical importance of the field of human genomics to global health.

Zilfalil has earlier created history by being the sole Malaysian amongst the 15 appointed members of TAG-G who serves as advisor to WHO in the field of genomics.

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The WHO has launched a comprehensive genomics programme aimed at advancing equitable access to genomic technologies across the globe.

This initiative follows the significant advancements in human genomics, particularly since the publication of the first draft of the human genome sequence in 2001.

These advancements have revolutionized the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases through the sequencing of millions of genomes and the discovery of numerous gene-disease associations.

However, access to these groundbreaking technologies remains uneven, especially in low- and middle-income countries. This disparity is largely due to resource limitations and low adoption capabilities within health systems.

The WHO Genomics Programme, guided by its TAG-G, seeks to address these inequalities by promoting investments, fostering collaborations, and overcoming obstacles to the widespread implementation of genomics.

Key actions of the programme include targeted communication efforts to highlight the benefits of genomics, the development of investment scenarios tailored to regional needs, and the establishment of principles for the ethical use and sharing of genomic data.

The programme also aims to strengthen partnerships with organizations and stakeholders in the field to ensure a coordinated, global approach to human genomics.

Through these efforts, the WHO is committed to advancing the use of genomic technologies in healthcare, thereby improving individual and population health outcomes worldwide.

The success of this initiative hinges on the collective efforts of governments, communities, and the private sector to ensure that the benefits of genomics are accessible to all, particularly the most underserved populations.

Translation: Mazlan Hanafi Basharudin

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