English News



USM, PENANG, 9 November 2016 – Groups having different interests in this country are invited to strengthen their cooperation with Pakistan here.

The High Commissioner of Pakistan to Malaysia, His Excellency Syed Hassan Raza said during his public lecture here that, the country is always extending opportunities to different groups, especially companies in Malaysia to set up bases there and utilise such opportunities available for business in the country.

“The Government of Pakistan provides such opportunities and even offers assistance, moreover when there are many Malaysians who originally came from Pakistan, resulting in us having common roots,” he said in his public talk entitled ‘Economic Development and CPEC Cooperation between Pakistan and China: Opportunities for other Countries’ recently, held at the Dewan Persidangan Universiti (DPU), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM).

He also provided an analysis and examples of relations between Pakistan and other countries, especially the People’s Republic of China which in the process of implementing China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) for the economic development of both countries, and the impact on other countries, especially in Southern and Central Asia.

However, he said that with regard to business and investment, it is important to have respect for human rights and to provide such rights which have been promised.

Syed Hassan who hails from Lahore in Pakistan commenced his duties as the High Commissioner of Pakistan to Malaysia on 27 February 2014. Prior on coming to Malaysia, he served as the Ambassador of Pakistan to Qatar from April 2013 until February 2014.

He has a Bachelor in Arts (1983), Bachelor of Law (1986) and MA in Political Science (1988), all from the University of the Punjab, Pakistan.

Also present were the USM Vice-Chancellor, Professor Datuk Dr. Asma Ismail and the Director of Centre for Policy Research and International Studies (CenPRIS) who also moderated the programme, Associate Professor Dr. Azeem Fazwan Ahmad Farouk.

Close to 100 students from Pakistan are currently undergoing postgraduate studies at USM.

Translation: Mazlan Hanafi Basharudin

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