English News



PENANG, 24 October 2016 - Yayasan USM (USM Foundation) was established with the noble intention of accruing funds to assist the university in the implementation of various projects to achieve its mission and goals.

The Chairman of Board of Trustees Yayasan USM, Tan Sri Datuk Mustafa Mansur in his speech at the Yayasan USM Royal Fundraising Dinner said, more needs to be done to sustain the current level of income and funds, while encouraging other parties to contribute, especially among the more successful alumni of USM.

The event was also graced by the USM Chancellor, HRH Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin ibni Al-Marhum Tuanku Syed Putra Jamalullail and HRH Tuanku Tengku Fauziah binti Al-Marhum Tengku Abdul Rashid, the Raja Perempuan of Perlis.


According to the USM Pro-Chancellor, he assured that his office will work together on the business plan of Yayasan USM, to further strengthen it in the long run to allow Yayasan USM to be truly independent and to be managed separately from the university.

"We would also look into a more visible location in our efforts to rebrand and reposition it, for it to be more recognised and for the growth potential in the future," he further said.


At the same event, the USM Vice-Chancellor, Professor Datuk Dr. Asma Ismail also acknowledged the contributions of the former USM Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Industry and Community Network), Dato' Dr. See Ching Mey who has been primarily involved in the establishment of Yayasan USM and who has retired from service recently on 7 October 2016.


Also present were His Excellency, Penang Head of State Tun Dato' Seri Utama (Dr.) Haji Abdul Rahman Haji Abbas and spouse Toh Puan Dato' Seri Hajah Majimor Shariff; USM Pro-Chancellor Tan Sri Dato' Dr. M. Jegathesan and spouse Puan Sri Tan Lee Hong; Speaker of Perlis State Assembly, Dato' Hamdan Bahari and spouse Datin Hasmah Mustafa; Chairman of USM Board of Governors, Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Zulkefli A. Hassan and spouse Puan Sri Norida Nachara Hamat; wife of Mustafa Puan Sri Datin Anita Aqeela Hiong; members of USM Board of Governors and principal officers of USM.

Translation: Mazlan Hanafi Basharudin

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