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USM, PENANG, 19 October 2016 – The ISDEV International Graduates Workshop (INGRAW) 2016, held for the 11th time, demonstrates the capability of the Centre for Islamic Development Management Studies (ISDEV), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) to hold academic discourses in a consistent and sustainable manner.

The USM Vice-Chancellor, Professor Datuk Dr. Asma Ismail stated this in her speech to officiate INGRAW 2016 at the University Conference Hall recently.

According to Asma, as a continuation of INGRAW held previously, there were four unique characteristics or functions of the workshop which were to act as a training ground for graduate students to discuss their thesis or dissertations; to train the graduate students on how to write and produce quality articles; to allow articles that were presented to be reviewed by lecturers having the expertise in the respective areas; and to enable graduate students to gain some experience and knowledge in organising an academic discourse in this manner.



“All these could contribute to the effort by USM towards producing graduates who are holistic, entrepreneurial and balanced; who would excel not only in academic achievements, but also acquire other skills such as working together in organising a programme and to establish links and networks,” she said in her speech to an audience of close to 100 participants.

Added Asma, ISDEV too needs to focus on publications involving digital technology such as e-books in the current digital era, as well as in the various research outcomes and thesis which could be converted into short videos for ease of sharing.

In the ceremony, Asma also launched 7 books published by ISDEV which were on Pembangunan Berteraskan Islam: Evolusi Pembangunan Masa Kini (Islamic-based Development: Evolution in Current Developments); Konsep, Strategi dan Pelaksanaan Pengurusan Berteraskan Islam (Concept, Strategy and Implementation of Islamic-based Management); Pengurusan Pembangunan Islam: Pembangunan Insan dan Tadbir Urus (Management of Islamic Development: Development of ‘Insan’ and Governance); Isu-isu Kontemporari Pengurusan Aset Islam (Contemporary Issues on Islamic Asset Management); Pengurusan Ilmu: Kaedah Penyelidikan Berteraskan Islam dan Falak Syarie (Knowledge Management: Islamic and Falak Syarie-based Research Methods); Islamic Banking and Finance: The Contemporary Issues; and Islamic Service Management: The New Paradigm.


Also present at the event were the Director of ISDEV, Professor Dr. Muhammad Syukri Salleh; Deputy Dean, USM Institute of Postgraduate Studies (IPS), Professor Dr. Azman Samsudin; Manager of Corporate Communications, Jambatan Kedua Sdn Bhd (JKSB) Azizi Azizan; Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Pusat Zakat Pulau Pinang, Mohd Khairi Ghazali; Manager of NC Bon Enterprise, Kenny Bon and Director of USM Centre for Alumni Liaison, Associate Professor Dr. Wan Ahmad Jaafar Wan Yahaya.

Translation: Mazlan Hanafi Basharudin

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