English News



PENANG, 11 October 2016 - Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) recently received a visit from the President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Chartered Association of Building Engineer (CABE) United Kingdom, Ben Bradford and Dr. John Hooper. 

According to the affiliate academician of CABE, Associate Professor Ar. Dr. Sharifah Fairuz Syed Fadzil, the school which started the cooperation with CABE was the USM School of Housing, Building and Planning (PPPBP) through the affiliate member of CABE and also the committee members of CABE Malaysian Chapter. 

She said that, USM has been successfully included as one of the affiliate academic institutions recognised by CABE (CABE academic affiliate) and which entails many benefits such as, providing opportunities for the students to further understand the build industry, joint-organisation of seminars and other related activities, jointly organising courses of relevance, extending invitations to well-renowned and accredited speakers to assist in the education process, receiving updates on technical information and advisories relevant to the industry, among others.


"As part of their visits by the President and CEO of CABE to a number of countries in the Asia-Pacific and Eastern parts of the world, they have accepted my invitation to come to USM to have a better understanding of USM and also the administrators, staff and students," explained the PPPBP lecturer further.

In this visit, the President of CABE officially presented membership certificates to affiliate academics of CABE at USM and which were received by the USM Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International), Professor Dato' Dr. Ahmad Shukri Mustapa Kamal. 

Meanwhile, 2 courses at PPPBP have been given accreditation from CABE beginning 2015 until 2020, which would allow the top graduates from the 2 courses (B.Sc HBP (Arch) (Part I) and B.Arch (Part II)) to be presented with awards from CABE, which include a certificate, free CABE graduate membership along with other incentives. 

Two students, Monica Caroline Shenton (Part II) and Najwa Harzani Ezumi Harzani (Part I) have been selected to receive the award from the President of CABE.


Ben Bradford also presented a talk entitled “Issues on Fire Safety in Buildings” to approximately 100 students of PPPBP while Dr. John Hooper presented a briefing on CABE in the ceremony.

CABE is a professional body which has been established since 1925 and based in Northampton, United Kingdom. It governs the field and specialisation in design, construction, assessment and maintenance of buildings, with members from United Kingdom, Europe and also the rest of the world, and in 2013 this accreditation body has been awarded the Royal Charter by the Queen of England.

Also present at the event were the lecturers of PPPBP, Professor Mastura Jaafar, Associate Professor Ir. Dr. Naser and Dr. Nor Zarifah Malik representing the Dean of PPPBP, along with the representative of CABE Malaysian Chapter, Hj. Sr. Zahry.  

Translation: Mazlan Hanafi Basharudin

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