English News


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USM, PENANG, 5 October 2016 - “Forests are critical to our health,” said Professor Dr. Margaret “Meg” Lowman in her keynote address at the 1st Symposium on the Study of the Biodiversity at Penang Hill, held at the Dewan Persidangan Universiti, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) today.

Professor Dr. “Meg” Lowman is a scientist whose lifelong passion is on Canopy Science, a field that studies the ecology and the exploration of forest canopies.

Currently serving as Director of one of the Research Centres at the California Academy of Sciences, USA, her keynote address touched on “Life in the Tree Tops – Exploration and Updates in Canopy Science, from Ethiopia to Penang.”

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She emphasised the importance of studying the rainforests, in ensuring the sustainability of the planet and its various resources.

“Forest canopies provide means of purifying water, as natural sources of medicine, energy, knowledge and a myriad of ecological services, and therefore should be conserved and preserved at all costs,” she added.

Her work has taken her to different countries around the world, such as India, Ethiopia and Australia. She has also been involved in devising various methods of exploring the forest canopies, among which is the canopy walkways.

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Meg said: “Such means would allow the process of ‘humanising’ science and to promote greater interest in the field, especially for the younger generation.”

She believes that by providing the public with greater access to the forest treetops, it could better promote research activities, exploration as well as economic returns.

She added that canopy walkways would be a wonderful tool to save the forests for future generations, and Penang Hill has abundant flora and fauna yet to be explored and discovered.

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The one-day symposium was organised by The Habitat, Penang Hill and Universiti Sains Malaysia.

Others who were present include the Dean, USM School of Biological Sciences, Professor Dr. Amirul Al-Ashraf Balakrishnan Abdullah;representatives from Penang Hill Corporation, the Forestry Department, the Wildlife Department, participants, students and academicians.

Text: Mazlan Hanafi Basharudin / Photo: Mohd Fairus Md. Isa

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