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USM, PENANG, 20 September 2016 - Second year students of Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) who are pursuing a Bachelor’s degree full time in the university can now earn a second Bachelor’s degree in another field of study as a result of the implementation of flexible education beginning this academic year.

According to the USM Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dato' Dr. Omar Osman, the USM Senate has approved the offering of a double degree programme last June to enable full time undergraduates who are interested to pursue a second Bachelor’s degree through distance education learning.

"The offering of this double degree studies, which has been endorsed by the USM Board of Governors, is an innovative move in higher education as it allows an undergraduate to obtain two degrees at the same time through the School of Distance Education beginning the 2016/2017 academic year to USM students and is offered only at its Main Campus in Penang," said Omar.

As a start, only four double degree Bachelor’s programmes with honours are being offered, namely Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Social Science and Bachelor of Management.

Omar further explained that such a programme will enable students who excel and are capable of pursuing two Bachelor’s degree programmes simultaneously to graduate with two degrees, which would widen one's learning experience and knowledge as well as increase one’s job opportunities.

By offering the double degrees, corresponding and relevant talents could be produced to fulfil the needs of the nation and the global scenario of the future, whereby they could make advanced planning in facing the ever-growing economic challenges and offering added values into the job market,” said Omar.

He explained that, this move would allow the students to be more competitive in the global economy through the combination of the curriculum in their studies, as well as the various skills acquired and in utilising technology to benefit them in the long run.

The closing date for applications would be on 30th September 2016. Please forward enquiries to: School of Distance Education; Tel: 046536197/3264/ 3286.  Fax: 046576000. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Web:

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