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USM, PENANG, 9 September 2016 – The foremost expert in the field of Tourism Planning and Development from the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) School of Housing, Building and Planning (HBP), Professor Dr. Badaruddin Mohamed recently received the Certificate and Medal of Merit from the University of Social Sciences and Humanities (USSH), Vietnam on his significant contribution in areas of urban development and tourism and also academic involvement in Vietnam.

When met, he shared his feelings in being grateful and thrilled for being listed among the recipients of the highest award, given to those who are experts in their field and having contributed towards the growth of USSH specifically and to Vietnam in general.

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“I have been involved with USSH for the past eight years with the establishment of the International Academic Consortium For Sustainable Cities (IACSC) and resulting from the conference, a number of activities have been conducted such as sharing on the development of a research cluster in urban planning and tourism,” he said.

He added that, the acknowledgement also signifies the beginning of a partnership between USM and USSH in establishing a joint educational network.

“USSH is interested in using USM as a centre for the academic development model, for their academic staff to pursue their studies further at the Master’s and Doctoral levels at USM later,” explained Badaruddin after the Award Presentation Ceremony by the representative of the USSH President, Professor Dr. Nguyen Minh Hoa, here recently.

Meanwhile, Nguyen said that, the recognition given to Badaruddin was in fact an acknowledgement from the university on his engagement efforts in urban development in Vietnam, other than his contribution to the university.

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“He has also provided insights into the culture and religion of Islam in Malaysia through papers presented at conferences held in Vietnam and lessons taught to USSH students, which could provide knowledge to the people in Vietnam who still lack the understanding of the Malaysian culture and society,” he added further.

Another expert in the area of Water Resource Management from the USM School of Humanities, Professor Dr. Chan Ngai Weng was also selected to receive a similar award last April for his contribution in the field of Environmental Management, more specifically in Water Resources and Management of Floods.

Translation: Mazlan Hanafi Basharudin

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