English News


USM, PENANG, 11 August 2016 – The Volunteer Corps of Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) has once again deployed its team of volunteers comprising of USM students to assist Tabung Haji in the arrangements for the Hajj pilgrims going to Makkah, Saudi Arabia through the Programme TAHA@U 2016.

According to the Advisor of the Volunteers Brigade, Zulkifli Che Hussein, as with previous programmes,TAHA@U 2016  is organised into two phases, with the First Phase focusing on arrangements prior to departure and Phase Two would be to welcome the pilgrims home later.

“This year, a total of 50 students would be involved in the programme, which would have 10 flights departing for Makkah from 4 to 10 August and 19 to 21 August, with the Kompleks Tabung Haji Bayan Lepas in Penang being the venue for departure, while Phase Two is expected to end when all the pilgrims have returned home safely,” he said.

Zulkifli added, among the duties assigned to them throughout the voluntary mission include to assist in transporting baggage of the pilgrims and in managing the registration of the pilgrims before departing for the Holy Land.

“Although currently the students are having their semester holidays, the USM Volunteers Brigade would always be prepared to serve in assisting to facilitate the journey of the pilgrims,” he added.

For the record, this is the fourth year that the USM Volunteers Corps has worked together with Tabung Haji, in ensuring the success of Programme TAHA@U 2016  which has received full support from the USM Student Affairs and Development Division since it was launched in 2012. 

Translation: Tan Ewe Hoe 

Text: Syuhada Abd. Aziz

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