News Tomsk State University
TSU and one of the best universities in Malaysia to strengthen cooperation
14 Feb 2024
Tomsk State University and Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) have signed a new memorandum of understanding. Prospective areas of cooperation include applied physics, biochemistry, medical biology, linguistics, geology, forestry, and the Aeroschup project. In addition, the relationship between TSU and USM may lead to new student exchange programs.
Universiti Sains Malaysia is a leading research university in Malaysia. It is currently ranked 137th in the QS World University Ranking, 401-500th in the Academic Ranking of World Universities, and 2nd in the Malaysia University Ranking.
USM is striving to expand and improve its educational programs and is undertaking various initiatives to improve educational quality. Having educational and research facilities, expertise, and a multidisciplinary team of specialists, USM enters into cooperation agreements to improve the quality of its research and strengthen its ties with industry.
TSU and USM signed the first memorandum of understanding in 2015 during a visit to Malaysia by TSU Rector Eduard Galazhinsky and TSU Vice-Rector for International Affairs Artyom Rykun. The agreement was for three years. Both universities have risen significantly in the rankings since then: TSU ranked 250th in QS World University Rankings, while USM ranked 137th.
After all COVID-19 restrictions were lifted, TSU initiated a re-signing of the memorandum at the end of 2023.
“Cooperation with USM is crucial to us for several reasons: It is a leading technological university in Malaysia that has a history of success with TSU, albeit not a long one. The country ranks sixth in the top 20 emerging markets according to Bloomberg, after the Czech Republic and before Turkey; it is an active member of ASEAN; it invests heavily in science, education, and high technology; and it is historically friendly to Russia,” said Artyom Rykun.
The new memorandum establishes a general framework for building academic interaction and collaboration. Thus, USM and TSU will strive to collaborate in the following fields: exchange of students and/or staff, joint academic programs including current majors and prospective future fields of study, joint research and development programs, joint workshops and training programs, exchange of publication, and other projects.
The memorandum was signed on behalf of USM by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International), Professor Gs. Dr. Narimah Samat, while TSU was represented by Artyom Rykun, Vice-Rector for International Affairs.
The new memorandum will be valid until 2026.
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