English News


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USM PENANG, 23 November 2023 – Ts. Dr. Shankar Karuppayah, a senior lecturer at the National Advanced IPv6 Centre (NAv6), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) was recently appointed as a technical advisory panel member for the Malaysian Research Accelerator for Technology & Innovation (MRANTI) Autonomous Vehicles Experimental Lab (AV XL) at MRANTI Park, Kuala Lumpur.

Shankar received his appointment letter from the Minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation, Chang Lih Kang during the launch event of MRANTI AV XL held on 9 November 2023.

The AV XL initiative includes a 12-kilometer test route and a sensor-equipped multi-level car park, aiming to provide a comprehensive platform for startups and companies to assess the safety and viability of their autonomous vehicles before public deployment.

One notable aspect of the AV XL is its focus on holistic assessments, considering factors such as data protection and cybersecurity, of which Shankar will contribute his cybersecurity expertise to the assessment process.

He will join one of the two technical advisory panels established, comprising both international and local experts, to look into these critical areas.

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The establishment of the advisory panels reflects a commitment to a global perspective and collaborative efforts in shaping industry standards for autonomous vehicles.

The launch event and appointment ceremony marked a significant milestone in MRANTI's proactive approach to fostering innovation while prioritising safety and cybersecurity in the development and deployment of autonomous vehicles.

Apart from helping to boost the transportation technology, MRANTI AV XL also corresponds with the Low Carbon Mobility Blueprint 2021-2030 which aims to lower carbon emissions within the realm of land transportation.

Autonomous vehicles (AV) refer to modes of transportation which can operate without human control.

Source Text & Photo: Ts. Dr. Shankar Karuppayah/Editing: Tan Ewe Hoe

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