English News



PENANG, May 2015 - Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) recently hosted a courtesy call from a Universitas Sulawesi Barat (USB) 25-member delegation led by the Deputy Rector of Academic and Student Affairs, Dr Muhammad Saad.

Together in the delegation was the Mentor of USB, Dr Rahmat Hasanuddin, Director of International Office USB, Dr Muhammad Nasir Badu, senior officers and USB student representatives.The Vice-Chancellor of USM, Professor Dato' Dr. Omar Osman welcomed them and hoped to establish stronger ties between USM and USB in the future, through cooperation in conducting various activities, especially in areas of research and efforts in solidifying the education system while providing opportunities to the USB lecturers to pursue their Ph.D studies at USM.


"The recent USM convocation has produced 12 Doctorates from the lecturers of Universitas International Batam (UIB) Indonesia as a result of the collaborative postgraduate doctoral programme for university lecturers and thus allowing USM to produce more lecturers with higher tertiary education for the future of the university and the country," Omar added.

In his speech, Muhammad Saad also hoped that there can be a sharing and exchange of ideas with USB, on matters concerning the administration and management of USM as a research university and in having its extensive experience, to assist in the future in areas of teaching and learning at USB.

"All of us from USB were fortunate to be able to come to USM, itself being one of the oldest universities in Malaysia and having a vast experience in the field of research, simultaneously looking forward towards any long-term collaboration with USM, especially in the Ph.D certification programme for the academic staff from USB," he added.


He too recognised the wish and proposal of the USM Vice-Chancellor to run a Ph.D certification programme for lecturers from USB, which is a new university, with most of its lecturers holding a Master’s qualification.

At the same time, Rahmat extended an invitation to USM to participate in the upcoming International Maritime Seminar, to be held in West Sulawesi, Indonesia in October. USM would deliver the keynote address as well as share its experiences in the seminar, to be held within a span of 20 days.

"We would be pleased if students and lecturers from USM could participate in this seminar," he added.

USB, in its second year of establishment, has approximately 4,000 students and seven faculties, namely Political Science, Health Science, Mathematics and Science, Agriculture, Engineering and Economy while the Law Faculty will be established in the coming year.

Others who attended include the USM Deputy Vice-Chancellors, key university officials and representatives from the USM Student Representatives’ Council. – Translation: Mazlan Hanafi Basharudin/Text: Syuhada Abd Aziz/Photos: Zamani Abdul Rahim

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