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USM PENANG, 21 May 2023 – We Lead. Simple words but with such a deep meaning that basically embodies how we strive to try to chart and pave the way for others to follow.

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We lead because we have to understand our presence as the caliphs in this world, where we undertake the responsibility, and we do our best in wanting to paraphrase our vision statement, 'Transforming Higher Education for a Sustainable Tomorrow'.

Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) via Pusat Transformasi Insan (PTI) recently held the ‘Leadership Talk Series Programme’ entitled "Leadership in 4IR Era", delivered by the AirAsia Aviation Group Limited, Chairman, and also a USM Eminent Industry Fellow, Tan Sri Jamaludin Ibrahim.

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Held at Dewan Budaya USM on 17 May 2023, this initiative aims to share the experience and expertise of prominent figures from the industry in aspects of leadership in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR).

In his Talk, Jamaludin shared his perspectives in being a leader in times of 4IR, where the skills and knowledge that a leader needs are agility, being attuned to technology or digital advancements and to be able to think analytically.

He also stressed on the attributes and attitudes which are needed in a leader, namely humility, speediness (in understanding circumstances and taking decisive actions) and to have an open and exploratory mind.

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In his closing remarks, Jamaludin said that every technology can be utilised especially in the 4IR era, as it would have a wide impact on human beings, as well as in every sector of the economy.

According to him, the impact of 4IR can change everything drastically, and which could also be in the forms of strategy and human capital.

He also added by saying that to be a successful leader, besides adopting and adapting transformations which are part of 4IR, it is important to lead first.

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It is hoped that the sharing not only invigorates those existing leaders in USM, but rather to instil a seed and nurture that seed of potentiality for the future generation of leaders to come, that USM has been actively producing all the while now.

Besides AirAsia Aviation Group Ltd, Jamaludin is also now the Non-Executive Chairman of other two companies, namely Prasarana Malaysia Berhad, and QSR Brands (M) Holdings Bhd, which are involved in the areas of Public Transportation, Fast Food and Airline Industries respectively, with the latter two operating in the ASEAN Region.

He was a member of the country’s Economic Action Council and also the National Digital Economy and 4IR Council (2020 to 2022), both chaired by the Malaysia’s Prime Minister.

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Also present at the talk were the USM Deputy Vice-Chancellor Student Development Affairs and Alumni, Professor Dr. Azlinda Azman, who is exercising the function of the USM Vice-Chancellor, the USM top management and principal officers.

Text: Nur Farrah Ezlin Mohd SUhaimi/Photo: Mohd Fairus Md. Isa 

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