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USM PENANG, 24 March 2023 – Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) via the Institute for Research in Molecular Medicine (INFORMM) today has set another significant milestone for a closer research collaboration through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with B. Braun Medical Industries Sdn. Bhd. (BMI).

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The collaborative effort is aimed at establishing cooperation that includes working on joint R&D programmes; conducting workshops and training; exchange of publication and future collaborations with the mutual intention to develop, support and enrich the research, educational and training programmes in the fields that will benefit both parties.

Signing on behalf of USM was its Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dato’ Ir. Dr. Abdul Rahman Mohamed, and on behalf of B. Braun was its President, Lam Chee Hong.

Also present as witnesses were the Director of INFORMM, Associate Professor Dr. Aziah Ismail and B. Braun Vice-President for Research and Development (R&D), Fu Yongji.

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Abdul Rahman in his speech said that, this partnership will benefit students who are currently taking their MSc. Mixed Mode in INFORMM, where they will get an opportunity to be placed in a real-life R&D Centre for the industry, and this is hoped to produce graduating students who are more geared towards fulfilling industrial needs.

“This is in line with the Higher Education Ministry’s vision of creating high graduate- employability in their own specialty, as it will also benefit the industry when they are able to cooperate with institutes such as INFORMM to deliver strong candidates to build up their work force and forward their advancement,” said Abdul Rahman.

Furthermore, he hoped to see both parties leveraging on each other's strengths to spearhead the field of healthcare and medical devices, in parallel with INFORMM’s Higher Institution Centre of Excellence (HICoE) niche area in diagnostic platforms.

Meanwhile, Chee Hong in his speech said that, it is significant in B. Braun’s vision to protect and improve the health of people around the world, and BMI is proud to work with USM, who shared BMI's commitment towards excellence in healthcare and research, and the advancement of science and technology.

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“With the mutual sharing of expertise, resources and access to cutting-edge method, we are able to stay competitive, innovative and efficient, while we continuously look for opportunities to grow and remain relevant in the market,” said Chee Hong.

Also present were the USM INFORMM Deputy Director, Research and Innovation, Associate Professor Dr. Tye Gee Jun; BMI R&D Department Advisor who is also a former INFORMM PhD. graduate, Dr. Tan Aik Aun; as well as the principal officers of USM and BMI.

Established in 1972, B. Braun Medical Industries in Penang which supplies medical, surgical and pharmaceutical products, is the group’s first manufacturing site in Asia Pacific region and it is one of the largest B. Braun manufacturing sites for the group outside Europe.

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Text: Nur Farrah Ezlin Mohd Suhaimi/Poster: Mohamad Zaidi Jaini/Photo: Mohd Fairus Md Isa 

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