English News


CDH 9637

USM PENANG, 23 May 2022 – A total of 118 final-year students from the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) School of Pharmaceutical Sciences will graduate after five (5) hardworking years to equip themselves with the knowledge and skills to become a pharmacist.

Recently, the White Coat Ceremony was held successfully, with all the students taking their oath to mark their readiness in becoming a fully responsible and trustworthy pharmacist.

The above ceremony has been organised annually by the school since 2006, to symbolise the commencement of the students’ journey, from being a pharmacy student to becoming a pharmacist, and today, this ceremony has marked its 50th anniversary.

The School of Pharmaceutical Sciences Dean, Professor Dr. Habibah A Wahab in her speech said, this is only the beginning, but it signifies an important first step that will send a powerful message to many that the students are willing and ready to dedicate their time, effort and knowledge to serve others.

“As a pharmacist, especially in the clinical and community settings, you are to keep the trust bestowed upon you by anyone who may come to you to obtain simple solutions for their various medical conditions.”

“As I conclude, it occurs to me that my remarks may be overwhelming however, I pray that all of you will spread your wings and contribute to society in your own way - be it in the clinical, industry or community settings,” she said as she ended her speech.

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Meanwhile, a distinguished alumni member of the School and also former USM Vice-Chancellor, Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Dato’ Dzulkifli Abdul Razak also encouraged all the students to give their best and become a proud pharmacist.

“As a pharmacist, we should know that people don’t really care about what you want to do, whether you said this is for the community, but people are more interested in what you do and how you serve.”

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Also present were alumnus of the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Prof. Datuk Dr. Allan Mathews; Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Padjadjaran University, Indonesia, Prof. Dr. apt. Ajeng Diantini; Director, Centre for Drug Research, Profesor Dr. Vikneswaran A/l Murugaiyah; and Director, National Poison Centre, Dr. Nur Azzalia Kamaruzaman.

Text: Mohamed Hadri Iman Mohamed Hazli/Photo: Shahnizam Ab Rahim

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