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“Beggars can’t be choosers”.

It’s an adage that is familiar to many.

It’s also what the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dato’ Dr. Faisal Rafiq Mahamd Adikan put emphasis on in his late morning session with the USM community recently (20 April 2022).

To which he added, “Beggars can’t help others.”

Faisal Rafiq was pointing out on the need to have strong finances so as to persevere and become a community, organisation or individuals with outstanding character.

It will allow us to be able to move against all odds, whether seen or anticipated.

It is imperative for members of the USM community then to be exemplary to others, regardless of where you are in the organisation. Whether you are part of the upper echelon in the organisation, mid-level administrators, academics or even the support staff, there are good values that everyone could live by and impart to others.

“Manners maketh the man,” it is said.

What more in the fasting month of Ramadhan. For the Muslims, it is the month when any good deed done is given ‘bonus points’. Points that are much more rewarding and useful in the afterlife than those necessarily gathered in the Metaverse, through Webex or otherwise.

Wherever you may be and whatever you might be doing, it is still worthwhile to be exemplary in conduct and in dedication.

As we receive, so should we give too, and more on the latter even.

In an organisation such as USM, there are many parts that could lead to producing a favourable sum. Faisal Rafiq also thanked those who have toiled and brought success to the university despite the challenges faced.

There is always room for improvement, to do more and with better outcomes at the university, even if it may just be about helping to prepare meals for ‘iftar’ to the USM community, regardless of religious beliefs.

It is man’s fundamental nature to want to be good and to do good, as it can also set the pace and aim for other things to be done currently and for the future.

And with the month of Syawal approaching to bring us into the celebratory mood, the Vice-Chancellor is again reminding everyone to be at their ‘best demeanour’ while on the way to ‘balik kampung’ and when meeting the Raya crowd. SOP is still the way to go.

Be less self-centred, and give more consideration towards attaining the collective good.

When a person can celebrate what he does and bring benefit to those around him, that’s when true sustainability can be achieved. It is no longer about ‘me, me, me’; it should be about ‘we, we, we’.

Rejoicing and enjoying the sense of belonging and togetherness, and the willingness to care for one another.

Regardless of whatever background, our social systems and structures have defined us.

After all, that’s what a celebration is all about.

So, to the world over, USM wishes Happy Aidilfitri to all.

Text: Mazlan Hanafi Basharudin

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