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USM PENANG, 22 January 2022 – A selected group of students from the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Graduate School of Business (GSB), will be embarking on a three-month long ‘online journey’ in a programme with other top business schools from around the world.

According to the Dean of GSB USM, Professor Dr. Azlan Amran, participants in the ‘Future of Capitalism’ online programme will examine today’s socio-economic system, as they focus on the role of business in society, the responsibility of future leaders, and plans for social betterment.

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GSB USM is collaborating with 11 other leading business schools for the online course, as the students participating in the programme look into the critical issues concerning the current state of capitalism and collaborate with classmates from all around the globe to develop broader socio-economic visions, narrow down on the role of business in society and establishing action plans for change.

“It will provide the students with the opportunity to establish networks with their peers and gain insights from the top minds in the field,” he said.

Azlan further explained that the three-month programme was first launched in 2021 as a joint course among four schools – IESE Business School (Spain), Shizenkan University (Japan), the School of Inspired Leadership (India), and Fundação Getulio Vargas (Brazil).

This year, GSB has linked up for the second edition of the course that will commence from Jan 26, joining the ranks of Copenhagen Business School (Denmark), IMD (Switzerland), IPADE (Mexico), IPB University Business School (Indonesia), Lagos Business School (Nigeria), Seoul National University (South Korea), and Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico),” he added.

The educational ‘journey’ will be based around the sharing of experiences and reflections with top executives, entrepreneurs, policymakers, activists of various backgrounds, academics and people who are ‘in the loop’ regarding the current system.

The students will interact and attend dialogue sessions with leaders from diverse sectors, including James Higa, former Senior Director of Apple and currently Managing Partner of Offline Ventures; John Elkington, an authority on corporate responsibility and sustainable development; B. Muthuraman, former Chairman of Tata International; Arun Maira, former Chairman of Boston Consulting Group in India; Jennifer Morgan, Executive Director of Greenpeace International in Amsterdam and Raj Sisodia, co-founder of Conscious Capitalism, among others.

The future of capitalism will soon be in the hands of the next generation of business leaders, who will want to leave their own imprint on the shaping of a new socio-economic system.

“Hence, their participation in this programme can serve as a catalyst for personal thought and commitment, as well as identifying network-building opportunities to spur the growth of a much-improved system that will benefit all,” he concluded.

Source: GSB USM/Editing: MPRC USM


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