PENANG, 21 November 2013 – Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) received a hundred classics of American literature from the United States of America embassy today.
U.S. Ambassador to Malaysia His Excellency Joseph Yun symbolically handed over some samples of the books comprising the Library of American series, The Lincoln Anthology, Mark Twain and Henry Thoreau to Professor Dato’ Dr Omar Osman.
“I hope that the books will benefit the university, particularly the library (Hamzah Sendut Library),” Joseph said.
He added that he wished to build stronger ties between the U.S. and Malaysia over the next three years.
“I believe that the key element in this relationship is the people-to-people link and central to this link is education,” he explained, adding that to achieve this objective, the U.S. “will be spending tremendous amount of energy, investment and resources".
He also pointed out that the relationship between U.S. and USM started soon after the establishment of the university in 1969 and that he looks forward to cooperation between Malaysian and the American universities.
Omar highlighted that USM has collaborations with university-to-university collaborations, citing the University of California, Santa Barbara as an example.
“There must, however, be dedicated programmes with a specific output,” he said.
On the link between the university and various embassies, Omar said that USM had organised an Ambassadors Summit last year and would be holding another one next year.
Later, during a press conference, Joseph said that the number of Malaysians who went to the U.S. to study was 6,700 as compared to 100 Americans who came to Malaysia to study within the same period but intended to increase the number of American students’.
“Many of the Americans who studied in Malaysia were into area study,” he said, adding that they are people who want to become experts in Southeast Asian studies, Malaysia or its culture.
Omar then added that USM is considering programmes and post graduate study involving joint research with American universities.
Also present at the packed press conference were Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation), Professor Dr Muhamad Jantan; USM Registrar, Siti Zubaidah A. Hamid; Chief Librarian, Mohd Pisol Ghadzali and Students’ Representative Council members. Text: Yong Check Yoon / Photo: Mohd Fairus Md. Isa
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