English News

A Dawn of New Experience

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Wilson Beh Wei Chean

“Que sera sera, whatever will be, will be…”

I believe that life is about living up to our dreams.  We build our life on the vision glorified in mind and the idea enthroned in heart.  One of my biggest dreams as an undergraduate was to study overseas and experience different cultures and lifestyles. In 2011, this dream was achieved when I received a full scholarship from the U.S. government to study in Washington D.C. for a year.

During my second year in Universiti Sains Malaysia, I was told by Zhi Lin (Eric), a senior in the School of Physics about a scholarship programme to the U.S. – the Global Undergraduate Exchange Program.

Global UGRAD Program is funded by the U.S. Department of States and it offers student leaders from East Asia, the Pacific and Western Hemisphere a full scholarship to attend U.S. universities for one or two semesters. This substantive programme is designed to expose students to the U.S. education system, society and cultures. Global UGRADers have to stay in dorm, participate in community service as well as do an internship related to their studies.

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I am very grateful to be selected for a one-year programme with another two students while another five undergraduates, including Kimberly Ling from USM went for the one-semester exchange. The application was challenging and I had to go through two rounds of selections and competed with other top students across the country. I prepared myself for three weeks on writing a convincing personal statement, seeking lecturers’ help on supporting letters and practicing for interview.

This exchange journey was a remarkable one. Barely knowing anyone at my destination in the U.S., I flew across the Pacific Ocean alone in United Airlines. It was an entire new adventure awaiting for me to explore and to experience. I went with a determined heart to do something different, to try something new with two years of solid experience gained in USM. Ten months later, I left the states with new friendship, loves, gratitude and a pocket full of beautiful memories. Having studied in Malaysia’s finest local university, to interning in the World Bank Group, meeting with world leaders and travelling to 15 cities in the U.S., I am humbled to say that I got to experience the best of both worlds.  It all started with an imagination.

And yes, as Napoleon Hill put it, the beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination. Text/Photo: Wilson Beh Wei Chean 

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Global UGRAD Program normally opens for application from November – December. You may check the details at Wilson Beh is a final year Management student majoring in Finance. He can be reached at and he is very excited to see the next USMer to explore the USA as a Global UGRADer!  

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