English News



PENANG, 9 April 2015 - Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Vice-Chancellor Professor Dato' Dr. Omar Osman received a courtesy visit from the Pro-Vice Chancellor (Global Engagement) of Bournemouth University (BU), United Kingdom, Dr. Sonal Minocha, at his office here today.

The purpose of this visit is to strengthen the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between USM and BU in 2010, pertaining to the collaboration between BU and USM School of Social Sciences (PPSK) particularly in the Social Work Programme involving student exchange, research and publication.

Omar hoped that both USM and BU will further expand collaborative activities in other disciplines available at USM besides intensifying the efforts in research activities, student and staff exchange in the fields involved.

Omar and Sonal also discussed about collaborating in co-organising a festival that focuses on teaching, learning and research, involving the participation of other universities in this region through the Asia Pacific University Community Engagement (APUCEN) where USM is the secretariat.


The festival is expected to be held in USM in 2016.

"I believe this festival and other planned activities will further boost USM’s relevancy in the global higher education arena as a regional hub for the development of various teaching and learning activities," added Omar.

Also present were the PPSK Dean Associate Professor Dr. Nor Malina Malek, and PPSK Social Work Programme Chairperson, Associate Professor Dr. Azlinda Azman.

Sonal also had the opportunity to visit the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Industry and Community Network, Professor Dato' See Ching Mey at her office to discuss further on the festival. - Translation: Tan Ewe Hoe/Text: Courtesy of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nor Malina Malek & Assoc Prof. Dr. Azlinda Azman

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