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USM, PENANG, 4 March 2017 - The online application for entry into public universities for 2017/2018 Academic Session is being extended until April 5, to provide sufficient time for students with Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) to apply, following the late announcement of the results.

The Higher Education Ministry Deputy Secretary-General (Development), Datuk Nik Ali Mat Yunus made this announcement when officiating the National Higher Education 2017 Carnival (North Zone) at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) here today.



He said this extension will enable students to have more time to make correct decisions on the choice of programmes to apply for and the universities they prefer to study in.

A total of 110 exhibitors from 20 public universities, 47 private universities and 43 agencies took part in the two-day carnival.

Nik Ali added that the carnival was very important to help school leavers of SPM, Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM), matriculation as well as diploma holders in getting the right information on courses to apply for at higher education institutions.

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“With all the higher education providers setting up booths under one roof, this carnival served as a 'one-stop' centre for students and the general public to meet directly with representatives of the universities and colleges as well as the sponsors,” he said.

Nik Ali said the carnival was one of the ongoing efforts in producing talents with first class mentality to face the challenges in economic development based on knowledge and innovation.

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“The Higher Education Ministry has set a target of getting at least 200,000 inbound international students to study in local tertiary institutions at the diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate level by 2020,” he said.

This 13th carnival, organised by the Ministry of Higher Education, is aimed to promote and disseminate information on existing programmes and new programmes offered by public universities, polytechnics, community colleges, matriculation division and the private higher education institutions for the 2017/2018 academic session.

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Among those who also attended the opening ceremony were USM Vice-Chancellor, Professor Datuk Dr. Asma Ismail and husband Dato' Dr. Ahmad Zakaria; Higher Education Department Student Admission Management Division Director, Mazula Sabudin and the National Higher Education 2017 Carnival (North Zone) Steering Committee Chairperon, Profesor Dato' Dr. Ahmad Shukri Mustapa Kamal who is also the USM Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International).

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