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USM, PENANG, 1 September 2016 – Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) is creating history in its expansion of international collaborations by establishing its first-ever research collaboration with one of the Czech Republic universities.

The Vice-Chancellor of USM, Professor Dato’ Dr. Omar Osman said that, in this latest collaboration, two USM Doctoral candidates have been selected to receive scholarships worth at 52,800 CZK (RM9,000) each in supporting their research attachment for six months at the University of Pardubice in the Czech Republic.

He said that, the two Doctoral candidates are Ng Siow Woon from the School of Physics, who is due to begin her internship in the middle of September, while Puvanisvaran Murukasan from the Graduate School of Business would commence his studies there early next year.

“I am proud as this collaboration between USM and University of Pardubice is the first of its kind for a Malaysian university as well as for a Czech Republic university.

“This collaboration is a follow-up to the discussions and cooperation sealed more than a year ago. It has also become a benchmark in establishing research relations that could be further explored by both countries,” he said.

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He added that this is the beginning of a long-term collaboration process as USM is also planning to send more of its academicians and postgraduate students to other universities located there, including the Academy of Sciences in the Czech Republic.

He mentioned this at the press conference which was co-chaired by the Ambassador of the Czech Republic, Mr. Rudolf Hykl who also presented the mock cheques to the recipients earlier today.

Rudolf said that, strategic partnerships across national boundaries are the appropriate initiatives in strengthening international networks through efforts in research and higher education.

“This collaboration is a reflection of the global mindset that USM subscribes to, which would be in driving excellence further through the strengthening and expansion of the idea on international collaboration.”

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“The Czech Republic is truly proud to be involved in the USM smart collaboration partnership as USM is a high-performing university in Malaysia under the great stewardship of its Vice-Chancellor,” he said.

At the same time, he was also proud of the excellence in the achievements of the two Doctoral candidates who were selected and hoped that they would be able to excel in conducting their research while enjoying the scenes at the University of Pardubice, being a centre for the local electronics and chemical industries, as well as the location of many heritage sites and buildings.

Translation: Mazlan Hanafi Basharudin

Text: Marziana Mohamed Alias / Photo: Ebrahim Abdul Manan

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