English News


IMG 20160804 WA0057

SURABAYA, INDONESIA, 4 August 2016 – The Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Vice-Chancellor Professor Dato' Dr. Omar Osman had a meeting this evening with the Rector, Universitas Surabaya, Professor Dr. Joniarto Parung, Office of Institutional Collaboration Professor Sujoko Efferin and the Director, Board of Scrutiny and Public Services, Professor Drs. A.J. Tjahjoanggoro to discuss on academic collaborations and student mobility to undergo studies at USM in the future.

Earlier the Vice-Chancellor also held a meeting with the Director of International and Partnership Office, Universitas Air Langga (UNAIR), Professor Dr. Margaretha and Vice-Dean for Partnership, Faculty of Economics and Business, Professor Dr. Nisful Laila. The discussion surrounded the possibilities for collaboration in many areas among them Islamic Development and Economics.

This Nov, UNAIR will send 10-20 students to attend a post-graduate seminar. The meeting focused on joint collaboration in research and academics. Also discussed were areas of common interest and new areas of interest such as joint research and publication in the medical field, genome and aging science.

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UNAIR is also very interested to explore the possibility of conducting a Double PhD programme. Currently, a few faculties are already in contact to embark on several programmes with USM in the areas of Economics and Business, Social Sciences and Health Sciences.

The Vice-Chancellor is in Surabaya attending the International Conference on University-Community Engagement from 2-5 August where he also gave a keynote address entitled ‘University Community Engagement as a Global Movement’ on the opening day.

Text: Tan Ewe Hoe

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