English News


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PENANG, 4 July 2016 – The Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Board of Governors (LGU) Chairman, Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Zulkefli A. Hassan extended Aidil Fitri greetings to the entire USM community, alumni, friends and all Muslims wherever they are.

“My wife and I wish all LGU members, USM community and friends ‘Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, Maaf Zahir Batin’ and hoped that this Aidil Fitri will be celebrated with full of joy, in moderation, not to be extravagant and in the spirit of reconciliation and forgiveness,” said Zulkefli.

He urged everyone to use this Aidil Fitri as an opportunity to instil mutual forgiveness and understanding, renew kinship, strengthening friendships with one another, and thereby becoming united and moving together as one entity to continue to lead and drive the university towards excellence.    

"The spirit of Ramadan that we have all just gone through should enable us to understand the true meaning of sacrifice and the importance of solidarity in our efforts to bring more successes to our beloved institution, country and its people," he added.

Meanwhile, USM Vice-Chancellor Professor Dato’ Dr. Omar Osman reminded the USM community to continue to give their best in service to the university and country, practice the spirit of ‘it is more blessed to give than to receive’ for future success.

The Vice-Chancellor also extended Hari Raya greetings to the USM community, alumni wherever they are, students and those who are studying abroad as well as industry partners, various community groups and friends, and called for all to celebrate Aidil Fitri in the spirit of brotherhood and commitment to achieve success both in life and in the hereafter.

“I am proud that the USM community is always ready to serve the people, especially among doctors, medical officers, nurses, security officers and all who sacrificed their celebrations with their respective families so that others can celebrate with theirs, such as those at Hospital USM and USM Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (IPPT) as well as personnel from the Development Department in all the campuses who are on standby during the Hari Raya holidays,” said Omar.

He added, we are ever grateful and indebted to the uniform personnel such as the police and army as well as other security personnel, in addition to the doctors and nurses across the country who are on duty during the festive season.

Translation: Tan Ewe Hoe

Text: Mohamad Abdullah


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