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USM, PENANG, 6 July 2016 - Continue to practice the values and lessons learned during the month of Ramadan in our everyday lives and treat it as the best process to educate one’s heart – soul and consciousness.

Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Vice-Chancellor Professor Dato’ Dr. Omar Osman said, Ramadan is likened to a 'madrasah', the best educational institution from Allah SWT, and the ‘degree’ that we receive during our ‘graduation’ today is based on how well we have performed throughout.

“First class degrees would definitely be awarded to those who have undergone the lessons full of piety and have been accorded forgiveness from Allah SWT. The best would surely be those whom have 'mastered' the knowledge and great self-discipline, and to sustain it for the next 11 months.

“The best are also the ones who could set an example or become a role model as a person of good faith and having good conduct with God, having good relations among men and having good understanding in their interactions with nature and all of God's creatures,” said Omar while sharing to the jemaah at the Masjid Al-Malik Khalid before the special Hari Raya Prayers (Solat Sunat Aidil Fitri) here this morning.

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He added that the ‘degree’ to be received from this month-long holistic guidance would be for the sustainability and well-being of the future.

“Celebrate the coming of Syawal with a sense of gratefulness and moderation. All the training and acts of discipline undergone would be impactful if we would continue to practice those knowledge and teachings imparted to us. Do uphold those teachings as we make our journey home to celebrate this victory and success,” said Omar.

He wished everyone a blessed Eid Mubarak, Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, and congratulations for excelling through 'madrasah' Ramadhan. Do continue with the teachings for the excellence of the institution and for all of us now and in the hereafter. Maaf Zahir Batin.

The full text (in Bahasa Melayu) can be found at

Translation: Tan Ewe Hoe

Text: Mohamad Abdullah

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