English News


KUBANG KERIAN, KELANTAN, 21 June 2016 – As it is in Malaysia, Ramadhan is ushered in by the Palestinians by intensifying their religious activities to gain the rewards which have been doubled as promised by Allah SWT throughout the said month.

In fact, the motivation for them to continue their worship is strengthened by the uniqueness of Masjid al-Aqsa located there as the third holiest ‘masjid’ (mosque) in Islam.

As stated by Prophet Muhammad SAW, any worshipping done at Masjid al-Aqsa would earn the rewards multiplied 500 times.

A Palestinian who is undergoing his Master’s studies in Dentistry at the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Health Campus, Maher Mahmoud Ahmed Aly Abosadegh said that, Palestinians who would like to visit Masjid al-Aqsa during the month of Ramadhan need to convey their intentions and obtain permission from the Zionist Israel regime.

"The Palestinians whom would like to double their rewards from worshipping in the month of Ramadhan at Masjid al-Aqsa need to obtain a permit from the Zionist Israel regime," he said.

He explained that, the permits provided by the regime would have different types and levels. Permits for normal days would be different from those given for Fridays, Saturdays, public holidays and on days of religious significance such as in the month of Ramadhan.

Added Mahmoud further, in Ramadhan, to request for a permit into Masjid al-Aqsa it can only be done by those aged 35-40 years old. Males and females between 13-34 years old are prohibited from entering Masjid al-Aqsa on the basis of ‘security’.

"The reason is not surprising as the youth in Palestine of that age group mostly would have ‘bad’ police records, either to have been arrested or jailed due to various charges," he said further.

Even though prohibited, restricted and facing many obstacles, they are not deterred and in fact, they still come in droves to the ‘masjid’ to gain the rewards of worshipping there in Ramadhan.

A Palestinian student continuing his studies at the USM Health Campus, Heba A.A. Salleh said that, Malaysian Muslims are very fortunate to be fasting comfortably.

“Throughout my stay here in Malaysia, the people are free to practise their worship without any disturbance and the places of worship are so comfortable compared to the hardships faced by the Palestinian people," he said when met at the breaking of fast ceremony together with the Vice-Chancellor of USM, Professor Dato’ Dr. Omar Osman at the Health Campus recently.

At the same time, the Vice-Chancellor of USM also extended financial contributions through the Palestine Special Fund to those currently pursuing their studies at USM.

For the record, there are five Palestinian students currently undergoing their studies at the USM Health Campus in Kelantan.

Translation: Mazlan Hanafi Basharudin

Text/Photo: Mohamad Iqmal Mathlan

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