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PENANG, 25 March 2016 - Renowned throughout the country for its broadcasting programme being of repute and having experience in the industry, the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) School of Communication has assisted in nurturing the talents of its students to achieve their highest potential.

One such student was Gary Chong Khin Jin, 29, who is currently the commercial director and founder of garychongstudios, and who had graduated from USM with a Bachelor’s degree in Communication in 2010.

According to him, the sufficient facilities and wonderful environment in USM was truly conducive for the entire length of his learning experience.

“Lecturers here have really inspired and molded the way my thought processes work, and until now, I am still in touch with some of them,” said Gary.

USM has provided a good platform for him whereby, generally, USM had made an impact in the way he viewed the world and therefore, directly influenced the way he has engaged with his clients and conducted his business dealings in the industry.

Furthermore, the foundation of knowledge and critical thinking built in him at USM had led to his success today.

Added Gary further, the main challenge he faced after graduating from USM was adapting to the industry and breaking out of the mere theoretical paradigms formed when he was at USM.

It was a really steep learning curve for him, but at the same time, he utilised the skills accorded to him while in the university to adapt to the marketplace conditions in order to overcome the challenges.

For him to think outside the box and to have the passion to try new things are equally important for the future. He urged the students to disregard the perception that knowing theories is useless.

Indeed, it is a solid foundation which will let them stand apart in any industry.

His works have gained recognition, in acquiring 18 Film and Video Awards and Nominations in the past few years, and one of his short films was even nominated for the “Anugerah Gemilang Cipta” award at the 24th Malaysian Film Festival.

Gary is also a speaker at a film-making workshop and has conducted workshops in the field of film-making and media at the national level as well as the international stage.

Text: Loh Mei Fang (USM Internship Student) / Photo: Gary Chong

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