USM, PENANG, 23 March 2016 - Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) should share its successes continuously through the various media available, be they traditional or new, to increase its visibility to the public.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Malaysian Press Institute (MPI), Datuk Dr. Chamil Wariya said that, efforts to promote USM to society need to be done continually, in fact even he is doing so through his work, including in the area of writing and in his own written works.
“I would always wear a USM tie whenever I’m involved with official matters, to show the wider public that I am a graduate of USM and with each success that I achieve, I would mention the USM name,” said Chamil, who is a Doctorate alumnus of USM.
He also stated that, USM could also attract more local and international students by having close relationships with foreign news organisations, to allow for continuous bilateral relations.
“Promotions on USM such as the academicians’ achievements and various successes especially in the fields of research should be intensified and able to reach a wider public.
“Such groups of experts should be highlighted so as to create more awareness to the public of their latest achievements especially research findings and outputs that would impact the society,” he said.
Added Chamil, the uniqueness of USM is in the ‘aura’ that has been shaped through its learning ecosystem, established by former leaders and continued to be practised until today.
“The learning ecosystem of USM is at a very satisfying level, on par with its status as an APEX university. This also includes the pool of academicians who are committed in fulfilling their teaching and learning responsibilities, and the availability of facilities such as the libraries, cafeteria, commuter buses and also comfortable student accommodations,” he explained.
He also believes that as USM is reaching its 50 years of existence, being the country’s second public university to be established, it has undergone dynamic developments and has made the nation proud with its achievements.
Translation: Mazlan Hanafi Basharudin
Text: Nur ‘Izzah ‘Atira bt Muhamad Nazmi (USM Internship student)
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