English News


GEORGE TOWN, PENANG, 3 March 2016 – Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) continues to strengthen collaborative efforts with universities from the ASEAN countries.

The Vice-Chancellor of USM, Professor Dato’ Dr Omar Osman was recently visited by the delegation from the Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology (MSU-IIT) headed by its Chancellor, Dr. Sukarno D. Tanggol.

According to Omar, USM is committed in offering the expertise and experiences to explore research potentials in areas of Science and Technology and Engineering, as well as in other areas of interest.

“We are always ready and extending our arms to establish cooperation with any party in raising the standards of academics and also research,” said Omar.

He explained, a collaboration can be planned and implemented specifically according to the field of study at the various academic schools, with the full support of the university in being fully committed to ensure its success, which may include those in joint researches, academic staff and student exchanges, the development of academic programmes and other arrangements which would be beneficial to both parties.

Sukarno hoped that the visit would realise the sharing of expertise and exchange of views in matters of mutual concern, especially in issues relating to administration and governance, which is appropriate for USM in having extensive experience as a Research University (RU) as well as in matters relating to academics.

“We are fortunate to have come to USM, which is among the oldest universities in Malaysia and having vast experience, with the hope that a long-term cooperation would materialise especially in the fields of Science and Technology and also Engineering.”

Added Sukarno further, USMhas provided plenty of assistance in the nation-building process and it is hoped that the cooperation between universities in Malaysia and the Philippines can be strengthened in the spirit of unity of ASEAN.

Also present at the discussion was the Director of the USM Institutional Development Division (BPI), Professor Dr. Phua Kia Kien.

The delegation also went on a tour of the Engineering Campus as well as a few centres of responsibility (PTJ) under USM.

Translation: Mazlan Hanafi Basharudin

Text: Syuhada Abd Aziz

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