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TOKYO, JAPAN, 22 February 2016 - Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) today signed two Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with two universities in Japan to enhance cooperation in the field of peace research.

USM Vice-Chancellor Professor Dato' Dr. Omar Osman who is currently on a working visit to Japan signed the MoUs with SOKA University and TODA Institute for Global Peace and Policy Research here.

"The MoU with SOKA University focused on student and academic staff exchange as well as joint research, particularly in the field of peace research. SOKA University is one of the universities in Japan given the status of a 'global super university' by the Japanese Ministry of Education," said Omar.

He added that the MoU with TODA Institute for Global Peace and Policy Research also aimed to strengthen USM’s networking efforts in the field of peace research, especially on issues relating to universal peace. TODA will collaborate with the USM Centre for Policy Research and International Studies (CenPRIS) to promote peace in the Asia-Pacific region.

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USM is the first university to sign an MOU with the Toda Institute for Global Peace and Policy Research of Japan for such purpose.

The MoU was signed by SOKA University’s President, Professor Dr. Yoshihisa Baba while Professor Dr. Joji Kaga signed on behalf of Toda Institute for Global Peace and Policy Research.

"USM is proud to collaborate with both institutions and hoped that this collaboration can further strengthen its position in Japan and on the international stage, not only in the field of Science and Technology but also in the field of Literature and Social Sciences including the area of peace, which is the main agenda of the world today," said Omar.

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Also present at the signing ceremony were USM Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) Professor Dato' Dr. Muhamad Jantan, Director of USM Centre for International Collaboration Professor Dr. Lee Keat Teong and Director of CenPRIS Associate Professor Dr. Azeem Fazwan Ahmad.

Translation: Tan Ewe Hoe

Text: Mohamad Abdullah / Photos: Prof. Lee Keat Teong

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