KUBANG KERIAN, February 2016 – Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) through its Balance and Stroke Rehabilitation Unit, Audiology Programme, School of Health Sciences (PPSK), has organised a Workshop on Managing Headaches and Strokes by applying ‘solat’ (prayers) therapy.
This workshop was held to introduce and provide a better understanding to the healthcare personnel on the modules for BAL Ex, BAL Ex Stroke and BAL Ex Physio, all of which relate to physical balance training devised by USM researchers.
The Deputy Dean (Academics, Students and Alumni), PPSK, Associate Professor Dr. Wan Rosli Wan Ishak said, the modules will be beneficial to the patients throughout Malaysia and also to the respective medical practitioners.
"This module explained the physical training techniques involved to stimulate the brain of the patients experiencing the headaches to help them recover fully and what is more interesting is that this module also emphasises the application of ‘solat’ therapy," he said when officiating the workshop here recently.
Added Wan Rosli, products such as BAL Ex Stroke and BAL Ex Physio have also been tested, evaluated and proven in their functionality, as can be seen through recognitions given at the international level with the winning of a number of gold medals.
Wan Rosli also hoped that such a programme could be translated into means to generate income in the future, as the innovation of the product could be patented and commercialised. Furthermore organising such a programme could also help the University to generate some income.
Meanwhile, Nursing Supervisor, Asiah Daud, 56, said that she has been experiencing headaches for the last five years and would usually depend on medication as means of treating the problem.
"I joined this workshop to gain more information on the specific physical trainings to manage headaches and I truly hoped this therapy will work on me so that I no longer need to totally depend on medication," she said.
For a nurse at Hospital Raja Perempuan Zainab II (HRPZ II), Nor Zarinah Nawawi, 30, she said that she would be struck with headaches for three to four days in a week, and she would need to totally depend on her intake of medication for relief.
"Prior to this, I had never heard of the type of treatment whereby physical exercises could bring relief to headaches, however after attending this programme then only I realised that such a treatment is offered at Hospital USM. I truly hope that with this treatment, it could heal my problems and my headaches would not disrupt my duties as a nurse anymore,” she said.
The workshop, which was held at Dewan Kuliah C, PPSK was attended by more than 200 participants from all over Kelantan.
Translation: Mazlan Hanafi Basharudin
Text & Photos: Mohd Hafiz Yaacob
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