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PENANG, 2 February 2016 – The Third International Conference of Global Network for Innovative Technology 2016 or IGNITE 2016, jointly-organised by Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) through the School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering (PPKBSM) and Toyohashi University of Technology (TUT) has enhanced the existing relations between the two educational institutions and also between Malaysia and Japan.

According to the USM Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dato’ Dr. Omar Osman, the conference has not only enhanced the ccoperative ties between USM and TUT but has also broadened the horizon in attracting participants from many other countries.

“USM together with TUT have launched the TUT-USM Centre in Penang, and USM has become the first foreign educational centre for TUT, allowing both institutions to cooperate with the manufacturing and engineering industries in Penang.  

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“I believe that this conference would provide the platform for researchers, engineers and educators in various fields to present and discuss the latest innovations and challenges faced, together with applicable solutions utilising advanced materials and innovative technologies,” said the USM Vice-Chancellor when officiating IGNITE 2016 here recently.

“The Malaysian Government, in relation to the field of Science and Technology, has expressed that, in order for Malaysia to become a nation that is competent, confident and innovative, it needs to harness, utilise and promote science and technology towards achieving the aims of Vision 2020,” added Omar.

“This conference is truly important to reflect the linkages between both countries and also between the two major institutions,” said the Japanese Consul-General in Penang, Ryuji Noda.

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He further said, various knowledge and new experiences could be obtained from this conference and to be benefitted by all the participants.

IGNITE 2016 saw the participation of more than 250 participants locally and abroad, and also made history with 209 working papers presented within its three days. The theme chosen for the conference was “Advanced Materials for Innovative Technologies”. 

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The event was also attended by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International Affairs), Professor Dato’ Dr. Ahmad Shukri Mustapa Kamal, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Industry and Community Network), Professor Dato’ Dr. See Ching Mey, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) Professor Dato’ Dr. Muhamad Jantan, Dean of PPKBSM Professor Dr. Zuhailawati Hussain, Chairperson of IGNITE USM, Professor Dr. Hanafi Ismail and Chairperson of IGNITE TUT, Professor Dr. Atsunori Matsuda.

Translation: Mazlan Hanafi Basharudin

Text: Nor Rafizah Md Zain / Photos: Mohd Fairus Md Isa

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