English News



PENANG, January 2015 - Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) has established the 5 Tenets of Values (Rukun Nilai) in realising the concepts and philosophies behind I Love USM (Saya Sayang USM) and USM the Beloved Tower of Knowledge (USM Menara Ilmu Tercinta), with the hope of enriching the soul and character of its community in the effort to drive excellence (USM-APEX) and to provide the guidance towards achieving excellence.

It is also hoped that by embracing these tenets can help in shaping a work and administrative culture that advocates integrity, forming a healthy and harmonious organisational environment in moulding the holistic attributes of USM students, befitting the philosophy of HEBAT. 

According to the Director of USM Pusat Transformasi Insan, Associate Professor Dato’ Al-Ustaz Hj. Ellias Haji Zakaria, the 5 USM Tenets of Values encompass QALBU which is based on ‘Qalbun Saleem’ or ‘pureness of the heart’ and originating from values of Trustworthiness (Amanah), Communicative (Lisan), Clean and Transparent (Bersih) and Togetherness and Inclusiveness (Ukhuwah) which form the backbone to the pillars of Wisdom (Kebijaksanaan), Humanity (Kemanusiaan), Truth (Kebenaran) and Beauty (Keindahan).

“USM sees the importance of understanding the tenets, which emphasised the idea of wisdom, proficiency and propriety in conducts and in life, giving emphasis on truth and fairness of practice, being righteous and renouncing the wrongdoings, shaping the ‘qalbu’ to be pure at heart, to be honest, sincere, dedicated and responsible.  

“We should also possess excellent communicative skills, transparent in all our actions and undertakings while emphasising togetherness, practicing openness and being in harmony, possessing high humanistic values and being mindful and kind-hearted while maintaining the aesthetic values, and to be pleasing and harmonious,” said Ellias. 

Explaining further, he said that the USM Tenets of Values need to be synergised with the 9 Thrusts of USM-APEX which are Knowledge, Humanity, the Future, Universality, Sustainability, Uniqueness, Wellness, Change and Sacrifice. 

He shared this presentation in the Appointment Ceremony of the Heads of Departments for the 2016-2018 Session here recently. 


He added that, the USM Tenets of Values need to be instilled in the USM leadership in total, through the terms of reference on responsibilities and conducts of heads in authority, in the management of human resource, in driving the Centres of Responsibility (PTJ) towards excellence based on their vision and mission, be it academic or non-academic in order to achieve the KPIs/KIPs, as well as in managing the finances and regulating the facilities and assets of the university. 

Alluding to the same issue, the USM Vice-Chancellor Professor Dato’ Dr. Omar Osman said, all those concerned at USM need to internalise the USM Tenets of Values, as well as the Rukun Negara, as they form the basis in the development of the institution, society and nation. 

Omar urged and requested for the USM leadership, as well as the whole university community, to always uphold the USM Tenets of Values which would provide the support in the drive for excellence and in moulding the noble human characters to benefit the faith, the people, the country and the world over.

Translation: Mazlan Hanafi Basharudin

Text: Mohamad Abdullah

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