English News


NTU 7663

NIBONG TEBAL, 11 December 2015 – Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore through the Nanyang Environment & Water Research Institute (NEWRI) is keen on establishing research collaborations focusing on water and other research related to water and the environment with Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM).

Director of the USM Engineering Campus, Professor Dr. Zainal Arifin Mohd Ishak said that, the meeting between NTU and USM is important in providing the exposure and long-term benefits in the development of research to the country.

“I am confident that, this would be a good beginning in deciding on the strategy for research which could benefit the community and society," he said.

He said, all along we have been looking at and having relations with universities and organisations which were located further away, whereas we have a much-closer neighbour to assist us in the development of research.

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"This is a very good opportunity and worth looking into within a bigger scope in facing the current challenges,” he added.

"Such collaborations are also in accordance with the desire to turn USM into one of the well-renowned universities in the world come 2025,” said Zainal Arifin in his speech at the end of the tour programme at the Seminar Room, Science and Engineering Research Centre (SERC).The Executive Director, Nanyang Environment & Water Research Institute (NEWRI), Professor Ng Wun Jern was very happy with the hospitality and presentation provided by the Director of the Engineering Campus in relation to USM as a whole. 

“We are a full-fledged research institute focusing on water and whatever that is of relevance to it,” said Wun Jern in his presentation on NEWRI to representatives of the Schools and Research Centres at USM.

He said that, they have still a lot to learn in this area and would like to continue learning and cooperating in developing a research institute, especially in the research on water and the environment.

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Senior Research Fellow for Water Research, NEWRI, Dr. Maszenan Abdul Majid said, three subjects have been identified from the visit, which were on water safety, membrane and using waste or discarded materials to produce energy.

“The outcome of the discussion has provided an opportunity for us to collaborate with USM in the research on new membranes of better strength so that the water which contains magnesium could be consumed,” said Maszenan.

He further said that NEWRI would prepare a full report on the possible areas of collaboration with USM.

The 21-member delegation was also taken for a tour of the laboratory and facilities which are available at the USM Science and Engineering Research Centre (SERC). 

Translation: Mazlan Hanafi Basharudin

Text: Mohd Kamil Ashar

Photos: Bani Faidzzainami Baniyamin

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