KUALA LUMPUR, 6 December 2015 - Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) excelled at the 14th International Higher Education Institutions Research and Invention Expo (PECIPTA 2015) by winning eight gold medals and one special award, in addition to seven silver and seven bronze medals.
The Vice-Chancellor of USM, Professor Dato' Dr. Omar Osman congratulated all the winners who have put the university in the limelight, with the participation this time around consisting of all the four USM campuses, namely the USM Main Campus, Engineering, Health and also the Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (IPPT).
"I am positive that all the researchers have created products which would be beneficial to society and the industry players," said the Vice-Chancellor.
The product that won the Special Award in the open category was the outcome of the research by Professor Dr. Rahmah Noordin, a lecturer from the Institute for Molecular Medicine (INFORMM) called the XEh Rapid: Fast Detection of Extraintestinal Amoebiasiswhich is an easy-application and rapid-results kit for tests on outer-intestinal maladies.
Other products which have garnered the gold medals are listed as follows:
BAL EX PHYSIO: Home Based Physiotheraphy Module for Stroke Rehabilitation- Dr. Zuraida Zainun (School of Health Sciences)
Kitchen Waste Carbonizer- Professor Dr. Zainal Alimuddin Zainal Alauddin (School of Mechanical Engineering)
CACEZ: Next Generation CO2 Adsorbent to Go Green- Professor Dr. Ir. Srimala Sreekantan (School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering)
PS-34 Membrane with Moisture Resistance: Unlocking the Potential of Biogas via CO2 Removal- Dr. Leo Choe Peng (School of Chemical Engineering)
Green Chemistry: An Emerging 21st Century Science in Secondary School- Dr. Mageswary Karpuden (School of Educational Studies)
Le Sticho GAG i– Associate Professor Dr. Farid Che Ghazali (School of Health Sciences)
Mu-Derm, A Natural Angiogenic Product for Skin Heal– Associate Professor Dr. Amin Malik Shah Abdul Majid (School of Pharmaceutical Sciences)
The Special Award was presented by the Minister of Higher Education, Dato' Seri Idris Jusoh while the Gold Medal Awards were presented to the winners by the Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Dato' Mary Yap Kain Ching.
Translation: Mazlan Hanafi Basharudin
Text: Nor Rafizah Md Zain (
Photos: Muhammad Firdaus Khiruddin
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