English News


KUBANG KERIAN, November 2015 - Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) student, Fatin Nurfatehah Mat Salleh, who won three gold medals in archery in the 2015 SEA Games, did the university proud when she bagged the 2015 Olympics Award sponsored by Coca-Cola in Kuala Lumpur recently.

Fatin Nurfatehah, the big-hearted girl who hails from Kota Kinabalu, Sabah is a first-year student majoring in Sports Science at the School of Medical Sciences (PPSP) USM, won the award after being nominated by the National Olympics Council (NOC) for her contributions in bringing fame to the nation.

When met here, Fatin Nurfatehah said, it was beyond her expectation to win the award and shared her excitement in being able to bring fame to the nation and also to her beloved university, USM.

“This win is not solely mine as it is for all who have supported me and provided the encouragement in helping me to face the various challenges and to remain competitive,” she said.

Fatin Nurfatehah also expressed her satisfaction in being able to bring recognition once again to the country.

"I am hoping that this excitement will not affect my concentration in my attempt to win a medal in the Olympics next year," she said.

When asked about her secret for success in allocating the time for sports and studies, Fatin Nurfatehah said that in sports, one needs to have a high self-discipline and the desire to achieve one’s dream in pursuing for excellence.

“Those with discipline would surely achieve success in sports, but we should also not forget our education as it will lead us to a better path in life, while sports would provide us with the vigour in facing life,” stated Fatin Nurfatehah.

Fatin Nurfatehah together with the national male diver, Ooi Tze Liang each received the award from the President of NOC, Tan Sri Tunku Imran Tuanku Jaafar. Both took home RM10,000 and a medal each.

Translation: Mazlan Hanafi Basharudin

Text: Mohamad Iqmal Mathlan

Photo: Mohamad Hairol Rasli

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