English News



PENANG, November 2015 - The recently concluded 6th International Language Learning Conference (ILLC) 2015, organised by the School of Languages, Literacies and Translation (PPBLT) USM, ended with a lively note, after numerous sessions of exchanging notes and opinions.

The participants, totalling more than 200, comprising scholars, researchers, lecturers, teachers and students and the organising committee members bid each other farewell after a group photo session, wishing to be reunited in the next series of the conference.

The conference with the theme “Embracing Cultural Diversity through Language Learning”, was held at the Eastern & Oriental (E&O) Hotel Penang from 2-4 November 2015, saw the participation of presenters from countries such as Malaysia, Japan, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, Australia, Morocco and Iraq, who presented close to 100 papers concerning topics on language teaching and learning.



The conference was graced and officiated by the USM Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Development Affairs and Alumni) Professor Dato’ Dr. Adnan Hussein, representing the Vice-Chancellor of USM Professor Dato’ Dr. Omar Osman and was witnessed by the Dean of PPBLT USM, Professor Dr. Tengku Sepora Tengku Mahadi and the distinguished keynote speaker, Professor Ken Hyland from the University of Hong Kong together with the invited plenary speakers, Associate Professor Dr. Shinji Sato from Princeton University, and Assistant Professor Dr. Soison Sakolrak from Chulalongkorn University Thailand.

Other distinguished guests include His Excellency Mr. Ryuji Noda the Consul General of Japan, Her Excellency Miss Ekajit Kraivichen the Consul General of Thailand, Mr. Teoh Seng Aun the Honorary Consul of the Republic of France and Ibu Isna Mandasar the representative of the Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia.

In his officiating speech, Adnan said that there was a need to learn and obtain further benefits of learning languages, as they are likened to ‘bridges’ in understanding the diverse cultures.


He added that there should be more awareness and mutual appreciation of the various cultures, sharing an analogy of his own experience during a visit to Thailand recently where he had the opportunity to learn and be acquainted with the rich Thai culture there.

“When we learn a particular language, indirectly we are able to comprehend and explore the culture as well; hence multiculturalism and language learning allow us to appreciate, respect, understand and tolerate with each other despite the many differences that we have,” Adnan said.

To cater the needs of the diverse groups of learners in the language classrooms, Adnan urged language instructors to create a conducive environment in order to develop satisfying skills and attitudes towards language learning.

During the ceremony, Adnan also launched a new Master’s study programme for PPBLT, the MA Translation for Professionals, to be offered in the First Semester of the coming academic year.


This programme is specially designed for graduates who want to equip themselves with relevant skills and knowledge required for the diverse needs in the field of translation, besides providing specialised training to individuals who wish to pursue a career as professional translators.

The conference was also made possible with the support of the Thai Consulate-General and Japan Foundation. Others who attended include the representative of Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (Wilayah Utara), Deputy Deans, presenters and guests.

Text: Mazlan Hanafi Basharudin & Tan Ewe Hoe

Photos: Zamani Abd Rahim

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