English News




PENANG, 9 October 2015 – The Higher Education Ministry via the Critical Agenda Projects-Knowledge Transfer Programme (CAP KTP) is working to assist the Melaka state government in realising the aim to become a Green Technology Historical City with a few programmes held here.

As stated by a member of the Melaka State Assembly, Datuk Wira Md Yunos Husin, the implementation of the Melaka Green Technology Corporation (PTHM) effort for the state government’s green technology agenda would be the catalyst for the project and the development of the relevant industries.

"Three projects for the second phase, valued at RM800 thousand which have started since October is one example of the cooperation between us and the KPT authorities," he said.

He added, the three institutions involved in the effort with the state government are Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) and Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM).

The project by USM involved the certification of energy efficiency for the use of electricity in government premises, which were not previously done and is hoped to reduce the consumption of electrical energy.Apart from that, two other related projects are by Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) which is concerned with the reduction of fat residue trapped at the local food courts, which would be converted into biodiesel fuel, and by Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) which involved the use of a solar dehydrator for food processing.

"These projects are hoped to turn Melaka into a Green Technology City by the year 2020, and to reduce the rate of carbon intensity in the state, resulting in cleaner air for the masses," he further said.

Those present at the ceremony were the Vice-Chancellor of USM who is also the chairperson for CAP KTP, Professor Dato' Dr. Omar Osman, CEO of PTHM, Datuk Kamarudin Md. Shah, Secretary of CAP KTP, Professor Dr. Haslan Abu Hassan, Head of the School Management Sector Melaka State Education Department, Haji Ab Ghani bin Haji Ab Hamid and Principals/Headmasters from schools in Melaka.

Translation: Mazlan Hanafi Basharudin 

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