English News


PENANG, August 2015 - The International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (iCMR 2015) has succeeded in attracting more than 180 paper presentations by participants from various countries around the world.

The Vice-Chancellor of Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Professor Dato' Dr. Omar Osman commented that this conference has successfully bringing together participants from diverse backgrounds to share their latest research findings.

"Through the theme of 'Sharing Inspirations, Encouraging Innovations', participants should take the opportunity to share their research findings and explore possible collaboration with other researchers in order to produce impactful outcomes in the future," said the Vice-Chancellor.

He also urged the participants to use this conference as a platform to stimulate the exchange of knowledge from various research disciplines, to strengthen cooperation, foster motivation and explore new areas of research and innovation. "For example, in the field of nanotechnology, not many people knew about this area a few years ago but now, there has been an increase in the research in our country which requires involvement of more researchers in order to bring significant impact to our lives," he said during the opening ceremony of iCMR 2015.

iCMR 2015 is an annual event by the School of Distance Education (PPPJJ), organised in collaboration with North Sumatra Islamic University, Medan, Indonesia (UISU), Universitas Syiah Kuala (UNSYIAH) and Universitas Hasanuddin (UNHAS).

The Dean of PPPJJ, Prof. Madya Dr. Mustafa Fadzil Farid Wajidi expressed his hope that this conference, which is taking place for the fourth consecutive year, would continue in the future and develop further into a conference that inspires all its participants.

"A total of 180 papers will be presented by participants, consisting of 41 papers in the field of Biology and Pure Sciences, 71 on Social Sciences and Humanities, 22 in Management and Economics, 35 in education and ICT, and 9 in the field of Health Sciences.

45 paper presenters are from USM’s PPPJJ students and staff while 36 other presenters are from other schools. Foreign participation, especially from Indonesia, is very encouraging with a total of 45 presenters attending this conference," he added.

Edited: Dr Nurul Farhana Low Abdullah/Translation: Sharifah Zafirah Syed Nassir/Text: Syuhada Abd Aziz /Photo: Mohd Fairus Md Isa

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