English News


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BERTAM, 14 July 2015 - The President of B. Braun Medical Industries Sdn. Bhd. for Asia Pacific Region, Anna Maria Braun visited the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI) to take a first-hand look at the cancer patient care services otherwise known as Hospice Care, here today.

The granddaughter of the company’s founder was given a briefing on the type of services offered at AMDI by the Deputy Director of Clinical, Dr. Muhammad Yusri Musa. 

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Muhammad Yusri said AMDI is in the process of setting up a Hospice Care centre that is more comfortable and well-equipped to provide high-quality, patient-centred care services not only for adult patients but also for children with palliative care needs.

"Deaths from cancer will continue to rise worldwide, with an estimated 9 million people dying from cancer in 2015 and the figure is expected to increase to 11.4 million in 2030," he said, citing that there is an urgent need of establishing such care centres in Malaysia.

Muhammad Yusri added that AMDI has been receiving patients referred from government hospitals in northern Peninsular Malaysia for further treatment since being equipped with radiotherapy equipment last April.  

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Anna Maria Braun was also given a guided tour of the AMDI Clinical Complex which houses the Oncology Clinic and In-Patient Ward for cancer patients.  Anna, who was deeply touched by the cancer patients, presented gifts and ‘duit raya’ to them.

B. Braun, an internationally recognised supplier of healthcare products and services, was founded more than 175 years ago by Julius Wilhelm Braun and is headquartered in Melsungen, Germany with branches in over 60 countries on five continents.

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Also present were the USM Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Industry and Community Network) Professor Dato’ Dr. See Ching Mey and Director of AMDI Professor Dr. Abd. Aziz Tajuddin.

Translation: Tan Ewe Hoe/Text: Mohd Faisal Jamaludin

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