English News


PENANG, July 2015 - The Vice-Chancellor of Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Professor Dato’ Dr. Omar Osman expressed his appreciation to those who are prepared to be on duty when the Muslims are in the midst of celebrating the coming Aidil Fitri.

“We should hold in high regard the doctors and nurses who are on duty at Hospital USM and other hospitals, the security officers who are safeguarding the campus, the police officers and others who sacrifice for the people and community while we are celebrating the upcoming Hari Raya,” said Omar.

At Hospital USM, not less than 2,000 would be on duty throughout the festive season, while more than 100 security staff would be doing their duties during that time.

In his address for Hari Raya, the Vice-Chancellor extended his Selamat Hari Raya wish to all of the USM community including the alumni members wherever they may be, as well as to the students and others who are continuing their studies at various institutions of higher education.

“I too would like to wish Selamat Hari Raya to all associates of USM, be they from the industries, community services as well as those from other sectors within the bonds of togetherness and fellowship,” said Omar.

The Vice-Chancellor also urged all those concerned to utilise the time during the festivities to strengthen the unity across racial and religious boundaries, within the spirit of forgiveness and tolerance for our country’s continuous peace, harmony, progress and prosperity.

Translation: Mazlan Hanafi Basharudin/Text: Mohamad bin Abdullah

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