English News



PENANG, July 2015 - Aids and donations to orphans and needy children should be given on a continuous basis and not only during the month of Ramadhan.

That was the view of the founder of Rumah Anak Yatim Ummu Salamah Gerik Perak, Mufahuddin Abdul Razak, 48, when he received donations on behalf of the orphanage from the convoy organised by Universiti Sains Malaysia School of Distance Education (PPPJJ USM) recently.


Mufahuddin felt truly grateful to the USM group in choosing the orphanage to provide contributions and easing the financial burden faced by the children.

He added further, the funds secured by the Rumah Anak Yatim Ummu Salamah in the upkeep of these children are only acquired by means of public assistance and donations given by PPPJJ USM, which would cover the costs of the meals for the children for a period of two months.


"On average, we need about RM20-30 thousand per month to cover all costs at the orphanage," he said, and referred to as ‘father’ by the residents here.

The Rumah Anak Yatim Ummu Salamah houses 22 residents consisting of 10 girls and 12 boys, aged between 10 to 17 years old and assisted by seven employees who are being paid a monthly allowance of RM400.


The Acting Deputy Dean (Student Affairs & Networking) PPPJJ Dr. Fatan Hamamah Yahaya said, the Community Programmes held at the Rumah Anak Yatim Ummu Salamah in Gerik, Perak and Kampung Padang Dan, Baling, Kedah recently were part of the commitment by the parties concerned to fulfill their social responsibilities.

PPPJJ will continue to implement more community engagement programmes with the involvement of students and staff, in line with the university's motto, "We Lead" in the framework of the activities.

According to Fatan Hamamah further, similar community programmes which were implemented previously by the School have utilised the expertise of the university and strengthened the bond between educators and parents, which had boosted parental involvement in the education of their children.

"With this programme, they can understand better and assist the group of people who are less fortunate as well as doing the best for them," added Fatan Hamamah.

According to her, the contribution was the outcome of the initiatives by the PPPJJ staff and students to raise funds to help others in need.


"The commitment and enthusiasm shown by them in every programme carried out has been remarkable, and which is expected to continue in the future," he added.

The convoy which consisted of 57 people, involved the PPPJJ lecturers, staff and students which began with the giving of clothing items in Kampung Padang Dan, Baling, Kedah, and was followed by the distribution of ‘duit raya’ and essential items to the Rumah Anak Yatim Ummu Salamah, in Gerik Perak and finally ending at Kampung Kerunai, where 30 poor families were given donations.

Translation: Sharifah Zafirah/Text: Siti Naquiah Abdillah/Photo: Zamani Abdul Rahim

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