English News



PENANG, 30 January 2013 - As uniformed prestigious and respected Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) security officers, they have to always maintain a high level of discipline in the discharge of its primary responsibility in maintaining peace and order on campus.

Prof Datuk Omar Shawkataly, a USM Board of Governors member, said this in his speech to the staff of the Security Department during the monthly salute parade held this morning.

According to Omar, each Security Department staff should ‘look back in order to move forward’ to emulate the senior staff who served before and had retired, and how they displayed a high level of discipline and dedication in their daily work.

“This is important to improve the quality of services and performance of each staff member to continue to provide the best service for the sake of enhancing the image of the Security Department and also make our campuses safe and peaceful," he said.


Besides conducting the inspection of the parade and receiving a salute from them, Omar also promoted two staff members of the Security Department during the event.

Omar commended the parade’s effort and that it should be held every month with the invitation of Deans or Directors from centres as guests of honour each month to receive the salute from the march past.

“I believe that this initiative will provide an opportunity for the Security Department staff to be better acquainted with the more senior heads of departments, faculty members and university officials," said Omar again.

Also present in the ceremony were the Chief Security Officer of the Security Department, Major Mohamad Fadzil Ibrahim (retired); Security Department Deputy Registrar, Haji Mhd Ramli Mehat; and several officers of the University. - Text: Tan Ewe Hoe / Photo: Mohd. Fairus Md. Isa / Translation: Yong Check Yoon

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