English News


THE Lahad Datu incident has revealed the confusion as to the nature and perception of patriotism. In a nutshell, patriotism refers to undivided allegiance and loyalty to one's country.

It is above and beyond the riff-raff of political schism and expediencies.

Thus, It is the duty of every citizen to defend the motherland by all means; even if it means giving one's life for her.

Therefore, it is with more than a tinge of sadness that I read about our citizens, who, in one way or another, may have sacrificed the security of this nation by being involved in activities that are detrimental to the nation.

If proven to be true such people have no place in this country. Either they are blatantly unpatriotic or are confused about patriotism.

The confusion that arises from this patriotic sentiment is when one misconstrues patriotism as being loyal to partisan and sectarian enclaves.

One cannot escape the fact that a partisan or a coalition entity usually forms the government. And like it or not, one must be loyal to the government of the day; a government that conducts its affairs in a responsible and accountable manner and treats every citizen without prejudice, irrespective of their political leanings or their religious beliefs and allows expression without fear of reprisals.

And this would truly be a government of the people, for the people by the people. Such a government would generate patriotic sentiments among its citizenry.

A patriotic citizen must lend his or her undivided support to all efforts to maintain the wellbeing and sanctity of the nation. It means they must hold in high esteem and reverence the symbols of patriotism such as the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, the Malaysian flag and the government instruments such as the armed forces.

The armed forces is one of the instruments that the government employs and deploys to maintain the security of the nation.

When a responsible government uses this instrument to protect the nation from foreign incursions and insurgencies, every citizen must give his or her unequivocal support to our fighting men who lay down their lives so that we can enjoy our life in peace and comfort.

It is a different matter when the government of the day misuses the armed forces to defend its status quo as has happened in some Middle Eastern countries. Then the people may assert their patriotism in ways that are anathema to the democratic principles.

But this is not the case in Malaysia, for the government has been responsible in employing the armed forces for the expressed purpose of safeguarding the sovereignty of this beloved nation.

We should, thus, clear any confusing thoughts as to the percepts of patriotism to our homeland, Malaysia.


Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang


New Straits Times Online, 19 March 2013


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