English News


PENANG, 12 March 2013 – Prospective University retirees who have served the university for a long time were called upon to impart their knowledge and expertise to the younger generation to ensure that there is a smooth transition and continuity of duties to be always at the desired level.

This was expressed by the Vice-Chancellor of Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Prof. Dato’ Omar Osman who expected prospective retirees to be ready to impart and share their existing experience with the new staff.

In his speech at the Universiti Sains Malaysia Staff Pre-Retirement event today, Omar said prospective retirees should fully train the new staff who will take over their tasks to avoid any problems in the future.

 “When we would leave the task that we have been entrusted over the years, we want to make sure that the task will be carried out as well as what we have been doing if not better by the new staff,” he said during the opening ceremony at the Kompleks Cahaya Siswa today.

Also with him at the event were Prof. Emeritus Dato’ Dr. Amir Awang, President of Kelab Jasa Budi USM; Pn. Siti Zubaidah A. Hamid, Registrar of USM; and En. Ghazali Hizam, Deputy Director, Division of Pension, Public Service Department (PSD).

Moveover, Omar also called upon Kelab Jasa Budi USM to provide programmes that help staff to prepare themselves after retirement especially on the aspects of healthcare and finance.

The event, attended by 163 prospective retirees in 2015 of various categories, was to inform participants about their retirement benefits and the initial preparations before retirement. – Text: Mohd Azrul Mohd Azhar/Photo: Mohd Fairus Md. Isa/Translation: Tan Ewe Hoe

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