English News



 PENANG, 6 March 2013 - Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) retiree, Che Rose Shaari, was sad having to end his work with the institution after serving more than 35 years, not to mention having the opportunity to serve five Vice-Chancellors (VC) of USM.

Born in Balik Pulau, Che Rose said he started working at USM as General Worker (PA) in the Department of Development in 1978, before being transferred to the Office of the Vice-Chancellor (PNC) in 1982 to the post of Junior General Worker (PAR).

Since 1982, he remained in the VC’s Office and had the chance to work closely with five VCs namely Tan Sri Datuk Hamdan Sheikh Tahir, Tan Sri Dato’ Musa Mohamad, Dato' Prof Ishak Tambi Kechik, Prof Tan Sri Dato’ Dzulkifli Abdul Razak and the latest, Prof Dato’ Omar Osman.

“The experience I have during my service is treasured as the most beautiful memory. It’s not easy to be in one place for a such long time and I am privileged to know all of the VCs.

“I also wish to express my gratitude to the university for the rare opportunity given. During the service, I have never encountered any serious problems and all runs well up to now,” he said.

Che Rose said when met after a simple ceremony celebrating his last day of service with the university organised by his colleagues here recently, which was also attended by the VC.

Formally, Che Rose ended his services at the USM Vice-Chancellory Office on 28 February at the age of 58 years.

Commenting on his future after his retirement, he said that he will devote his time to his family, especially to assist his wife, Noraini Yusoff, 50 who is sick and is being treated at the hospital on a weekly basis. - Text: Marziana Mohamed Alias/Photo: Mohamad Danial Shahri/Translation: Yong Check Yoon

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