English News



PENANG, 14 April 2013 - Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Pro-Chancellor, Tan Sri Dato’ Dr. M. Jegathesan advised the campus community to strive to cultivate a culture of giving and reduce the culture of receiving.

He suggested this in his speech during the opening ceremony of the first session of the 47th USM Convocation held here yesterday which witnessed the graduation of 367 graduates with the Master and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degrees.

He said that we should impart the knowledge acquired, coming up with ideas and energy to develop their talents and capabilities available and to contribute funds to assist the institutions in need, including for our own institution.

“Culture is rarely spoken of, but do not forget that the expression of the hand that gives is better than the hand that receives.

“The grace bestowed upon us will enable us to give thanks together for whatever we have and whatever was received all this which included satisfaction, peace, well-being and happiness that are rarely appreciated,” he said.

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 He urged graduates to adopt a healthy lifestyle in the course of daily life and apply it to their environment including family and friends.

 He said that the warning by many quarters including the World Health Organization (WHO) about the increasing number of people with chronic diseases should not be taken for granted and ignored.

“It is estimated that 270 million people in Asia will die due to chronic 'lifestyle diseases' in the next few years. Thus, we should heed this very seriously and start a healthy lifestyle through nutrition and exercise,” he said.

In the meantime, the first session brought sweet moments to a Nigerian couple who shared the joy of receiving the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) and Master degree on the same day.

Adiat Kola Abdul-Nafiu received a Ph.D. while his wife, Adiat Bolanle Taibat, received a Masters Degree in Education. They also celebrated the success of having raised three sons who grew up mostly in Malaysia.

In fact, according to Adiat Kola, his eldest son is fluent in Penang Malay dialect because he was used to the school environment at Sekolah Kebangsaan Sungai Nibong.

“I'm happy that both my wife and I are successful. We definitely hope to return to Nigeria and to contribute to the development of higher education there,” he said. They have been living overseas for almost four years.

His wife, Adiat Bolanle conceded that Malaysia is a conducive destination for higher studies as it is has a peaceful and harmonious environment despite being multi-racial and -cultural.

She who is also able to converse in good bahasa Melayu, said that during her years in the university, she participated in various campus activities and actively joined in the programmes organised by the Islamic Centre of USM.

“I know many people here and am happy with the affection shown. The experience in the university is the best in our lives,” she said while relating the unique experience of having, by chance, being supervised by a husband and wife lecturers in USM. - Text: Marziana Mohamed Alias/Photo: Mohd. Fairus Md. Isa/Translation: Yong Check Yoon

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