English News



PENANG, 8 April 2013 – The expertise of Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) was recognised by Pakistan when USM was offered to conduct archaeological research at the Archaeological Site of Gandhara, Peshawar, Pakistan.

This was announced in a special press conference after the signing ceremony of a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the University of Peshawar (UOP) here recently.

Acting Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Ahmad Shukri Mustapa Kamal said that the offer was made to the university after Pakistan, through UOP, saw a record of excellence by Centre for Global Archaeological Research (CGAR) after 26 years of conducting various scientific studies in archeology.

He said that the recognition also allows CGAR USM conduct a more thorough exploration of Gandhara, an archaeological site that is well known and sought to be explored by archaeological experts from around the world.

“This recognition is also the pride of USM and the country. We have been selected among other countries and renowned universities to be allowed to conduct research on one of the most important archaeological sites in Pakistan,” he said.

He said this in a press conference after the signing of the MoA session. Also present were UOP Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Rasul Jan and the Director of UOP Institute of Archaeology and Social Anthropology, Prof. Dr. M. Nasim Khan.

In the meantime, CGAR Director, Prof. Dr. Mokhtar Saidin said that USM was offered to participate in the archaeological project “The Gandhara Landscape & Chronology: Exploring the Earliest Shaiva Shrine at Kashmir Smast Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.”

“Our expertise in conducting dating, knowledge in ancient tools and other aspects are much needed in the study. We will also benefit from UOP expertise especially in interpreting early writings,” he said.

Mokhtar added that the three-year project will focus on, among others, the archeology studies on the Kashmir Smast Hindu Sanctuaries and the Buddhist settlements in the area around Aziz Dheri, Pakistan.

He said that the study at the archaeological site where The Great Water Tank was discovered also included topography, mapping, and excavation.

“USM research team is expected to leave for Peshawar to begin their study in June,” he said, noting that the findings of the related research are expected to be published in 2016.

In the meantime, the MoA signed also serves as a platform for both parties to benefit in the fields of archeology such as by offering programmes to pursue a Doctoral Degree (PhD), organising conferences/ seminars/workshops, and sharing in development of research. – Text: Marziana Mohamed Abdullah/Photo: Mohd. Fairus Md. Isa/Translation: Yong Check Yoon

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